Causes of Morning Sickness in Men and Relief Methods

Nausea is a more common topic in women than in men. When a woman has nausea, it can be a result of various things such as hormonal balances, pregnancy and pre-menstrual stress among others. But what could it be if feel sick in the morning male?

Feel Sick in the Morning, What Could It Be?

Nausea can be experienced at any period of the day. However, there are various reasons as to why it will occur in the morning and go away in the course of the day. Feel sick in the morning male may be caused by the following:

1. Low Blood Sugar

Feel sick in the morning? Male should first consider about checking your blood sugar. Blood sugar is usually low in the morning after many hours of sleep without eating. This causes sweating, feeling sick in the morning male, headache, stomach rumbling, shakiness, abdominal discomfort and vomiting. You can address this issue by taking a snack before going to bed, when you wake up in the night, and/or immediately when you wake up in the morning.

2. Indigestion or Acid Reflux

Indigestion or acid reflux can cause nausea in the morning. It usually comes with eating meals late in the night and then sleeping before the food has been digested. Take acid reflux medication and/or eat early to allow food digestion before going to bed.

3. Emotional Causes

Feel sick in the morning? Male should consider about depression and anxiety. With these problems, after waking up in the morning, you may develop nervous feelings about the day and will begin feeling anxious or angry which induces stress on the digestion system. The situation can worsen with an acid reflux or low blood sugar.

Men don’t get hormonal imbalances emanating from stress. However, the stress hormone can have the same effect to the system just as it does with women. In most cases stress can cause headache coupled with acute morning nausea malefeeling.

4. Food Intolerances

Your body adjusts as you age and you may not be in a position to digest some foods easily. People who take in dairy products in the morning can begin becoming lactose intolerant that causes them to have some sickness feeling in their stomach especially after they have eaten. If you regularly take in the same meal and get ill, try to change it to establish whether you have developed any intolerance to food.

5. Insufficient Sleep

When you don’t get sufficient sleep at times, you may have a feeling of puking. The symptoms of this kind of nausea are normally the same as those of morning sickness experienced by women when pregnant.

6. Cough and Cold

When your throat and chest are full of phlegm, it could make you feel sick in the morning (male and female would both experience it). Actually, it is very common to have a nausea feeling if phlegm gets infected and thick. It is usually worse for smokers.

7. Hangover

Drinking too much in the evening will cause a vomiting sensation and headache. Actually, you may vomit as soon as you have heavy alcohol intake. The same case applies to women, although there are more pronounced causes of nausea in women.

8. Anemia

Women contract anemia more than men will. However, men can still have low blood counts. You can feel sick when you have insufficient iron in your body. For men, anemia may be connected to a serious infection like HIV and cancer.

9. Peptic Ulcer

It is usually prevalent in young adults. Ulcers tend to show up on the mucosal lining inside the stomach. This leads to a vomiting sensation (nausea). This kind of nausea is usually common in the morning, immediately after waking up because the stomach is not full then.

10. Couvade Syndrome

Feel sick in the morning? Male, sometime, could experience it as a symptom of Couvade syndrome (defined as a sympathy pregnancy). A feeling of nausea is only one aspect of the Couvade syndrome. This syndrome, also called phantom pregnancy is a condition that comes with an expectant father going through the same pregnancy systems as his partner. It leads to weight gain, changes in hormone levels, nosebleeds, sleep pattern disturbances, labor pains and postpartum depression.

Things That May Help

1. Ginger

Ginger in the form of tea, ginger ale or when raw is helpful in stopping nausea. Ginger enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes and juices that help in the neutralization of the acid in the stomach. Again, it has phenols that are important in relaxing stomach muscles and work the same way as a sedative on an irritated tissue of the stomach, hence reducing the stomach activity. It can be taken in capsule form, grated into a soothing soup or by chewing the root raw. However, fresh ginger tea or ginger ale is highly recommended.

2. Make Milk Toast

Bland foods such as bread and milk are good in taming your stomach. The excess acid is absorbed by bread while milk provides a coating on your stomach and that is why they are mostly recommended when you take something like aspirin on an empty stomach. Milk alone may cause upset and therefore, you needed to prepare a milk toast for a good medium. However, this should not be made if you have stomach flu (gastroenteritis) because it reacts poorly to dairy milk. Milk toast helps a lot when there is stomach irritation caused by over-the-counter medication.

Heat a cup of milk but don’t let it boil. Pour it into a bowl. Toast a portion of bread and spread a small amount of unsalted butter. Crumble this toast inside the milk and slowly eat it.

3. Slice a Fresh Lemon

Citrus smell normally cuts through the muddy sensation of nausea and calm you down from the stomach upset. Cut the lemon in half and place it close to smell. Do not let it overwhelm you and make sure you can exhale and inhale without difficulties.

4. Peppermint

Just like lemon, peppermint is a fresh scent that has an outstanding ability to deal with your upset stomach. It has a number of forms that can be used as natural solutions such as oil and tea. To get relived quickly, rub some peppermint oil straight on your gums.

5. Other Tips

  • Take a lot of water.
  • Eat bland and light food. Don’t spice it a lot.
  • Shun fried and fatty foods.
  • Don’t brush your teeth immediately after eating.
  • Take your time to eat and drink gently.
  • Be active and do not starve yourself. Take enough balanced diets frequently.
  • You can add multivitamin supplement to your food, especially those with vitamin B12.

When to Worry

There are situations when you should call 911 or visit an emergency room, especially when:

  • Vomiting is induced by poisoning
  • There is dark or blood, coffee-colored substances in the vomit
  • The vomit goes beyond 24 hours
  • You are not able to keep fluids down for about 12 hours or even more
  • You have a stiff neck or headache
  • You have not urinated for about 8 hours or more
  • There is acute belly or stomach pain
  • You vomit about three times or more in a day

You may need to see a doctor when you are dehydrated. This can be realized when:

  • You are crying and no tears are coming out
  • Your mouth is dry
  • You have increased thirst
  • Your eyes look sunken
  • There is a change on your skin – when your skin does not bounce back, when it is squeezed or touched
  • You are not urinating frequently or have dark yellow urine
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