40 Weeks Pregnant Nausea

Morning sickness as it is often called is the most known and most common symptom of pregnancy. In fact, up to 70 percent of women suffer from nausea at some point in their pregnancies. However, for most women, this phase ends with the first trimester. Some women continue to throw up longer. However, if you are suffering from 40 weeks pregnant nausea or nausea 36 weeks pregnant, it could be a harbinger of something else.

40 Weeks Pregnant Nausea, Is It Normal?

You are 37 weeks pregnant and a wave of nausea hits you. You thought throwing up ended in the first 12 weeks and this takes you by surprise. It turns out that third trimester nausea is not very uncommon. For most women, nausea 36 weeks pregnant or nausea at 38 weeks pregnantis brought upon by heartburn. The expanding uterus may put pressure on the digestive tract, causing acidity. Similarly, the changing hormones can relax the muscles, forcing stomach acids to the chest. If you suffer from nausea 36 weeks pregnant, right after a meal, it is more likely due to heartburn.

However, once you rule out heartburn, or if nausea is accompanied by other signs of labor, it can indicate imminent labor. 40 weeks pregnant nausea or even nausea at 38 weeks pregnant can imply that the body is transitioning to the first stage of labor, pre-labor as it is called.

Ways to Relieve 40 Weeks Pregnant Nausea

If you suffer from 40 weeks pregnant nausea, do not take it lightly. You are probably in pre-labor. Try to increase your intake of fluids. Try to have light snacks and eat at regular intervals. Yogurt, soup, fruits and toast can help keep the nausea at bay. The key is to keep yourself hydrated and rest as much as you can. Juices like apple and pear juice can be watered down and consumed. Citrus juices like orange juice should be avoided as they can worsen the nausea.

You can keep ice cream or ice cubes handy to help you if you are 36 plus weeks pregnant and nauseous. Simply munching on them can help you curb the horrible feeling that accompanies it.

Also, note if the nausea is intense when you are 40 weeks pregnant. If you are unable to keep anything down and your intake of nutrients is minimal, please consult your doctor. This is the time when you need maximum strength and constant throwing up can be hazardous.

Other Pre-Labor Signs You May Have

1. Backache and Period Pain

As the weight of the baby increases, the pressure on the lower body translates into an almost permanent backache. This gets very painful towards the end, especially when the baby's head begins to settle. Some women experience a dull throbbing pain, much like the pain associated with period cramping. During the final leg of your pregnancy, the pain can be caused by the softening of the cervix as it prepares for delivering the baby. This is especially painful if your baby is in posterior position, when the baby's back is towards the mother's spine.

The pelvis muscles also start stretching to prepare for the smooth arrival of baby and this may cause the pain. Keeping a hot water bottle or a heat pack can alleviate the pain to some degree.

2. Lightening or Dropping

Towards the end of your pregnancy, the baby settles into position. This is referred to as lightening or dropping, as the baby's head is engaged, the mom-to-be can feel lighter. For first time moms, this can happen 2-4 weeks before labor whereas for women who have already had babies, it may not happen until labor ensues.

While the heaviness may ease, some moms can feel pressure on the pelvic floor, causing discomfort when moving. It can also put pressure on specific nerves in the pelvic area and legs causing sharp pain. The heaviness on the bladder means frequent trips to the washroom. Some women can also suffer from edema, which is the swelling of limbs.

Dropping is not a good predictor of labor but it does serve as a reminder that you are not too far away from holding your cherub.

3. Mucus Plug

A jelly like substance, the mucus plug is basically thick cervical mucus that blocks the opening of the cervix. This 'plug' wards of unwanted bacteria from entering the uterus. Towards the end of the pregnancy, the plug comes off and passes out of the mother's body.

Although usually clear, the mucus plug can sometimes be brownish, gray or even pink. This can be due to the breakdown of the amniotic membrane.

Although a good indicator of impending labor, some women may not even notice losing it, especially if they have experienced heavy discharge throughout the pregnancy. In some cases, it can also happen a few days before labor.

4. Vaginal Discharge

One of the hallmarks of pregnancy is the accompanying vaginal discharge. Throughout pregnancy, the discharge is whitish and thick but towards the end, it is thin and almost liquid like. However, if you experience runny discharge, it is important to call your midwife/doctor to check if your amniotic fluid is leaking.

If your discharge is a ball of blood, better known as 'bloody show', it is time to pack your hospital bag. However, if your discharge is green, yellow or brownish, it is strongly suggested that you consult your doctor. The brownish discharge can be an indicator that the unborn baby has opened bowels or pooped in you. The Meconium, as it is called, indicates fetal distress. When it comes to your health and that of your unborn baby, it is always advisable to check with your obstetrician regarding any significant changes.

The last trimester, more so the last few days of the pregnancy are the most nerve wrecking. The excitement to meet your newborn combined with the exhaustion as the body stretches and readies itself for delivery can have a harrowing effect on the mom to be. The combination itself can force many women to be light headed and nauseous but one must take care of one’s health as this is the time you need all your strength.

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