Why Am I Bleeding from My Penis?

In order to maintain your penile health you should investigate the cause of any bleeding from the penis. This can be a sign of general damage to the genitals, but it could also be the sign of a more serious condition. In some cases bleeding from the penis will stop on its own, but if it continues or becomes worse you should consult a doctor to get help. Working with a urologist can help you to determine the cause of bleeding from your penis so you can receive the proper treatment to make it stop. 

Causes of Bleeding from Penis

1. Penis Bleeding in General

  • Tear of Prostate Vein

In this case, bleeding typically stems from a tear in one of the fragile veins within the prostate, the organ which produces most of the seminal fluid following sexual stimulation. When ejaculation causes the prostate to contract, a vein can tear and cause blood to mix in with the semen, a condition known as hematospermia. Dark discoloration is from a previous injury while red blood is from a fresh tear. You may also notice old clots in the semen or gross blood during urination.

  • Other Causes

This will usually occur at the beginning or end of urination instead of during the stream. In the latter case ejaculation, arousal without ejaculation, excessive intake of spicy foods or you will usually notice spots of blood on your clothing as well. Irritating the prostate gland may also cause inflammation that will increase your risk of bleeding. Infrequent alcohol, withdraw at the time of ejaculation, bike riding or similar activities can increase this risk. The prostate may also become infected, causing bleeding.

  • Treatments

Antibiotics will be required to reduce these symptoms. As the prostate enlarges with age it can develop varcies or enlarged veins that are more prone to tearing, but Proscar can be prescribed to reduce these symptoms. If you have not seen bleeding in several years then it is not likely that this was caused by a serious condition, though you should meet with a urologist to make sure that your condition is not severe.

2. Mild Bleeding After Sex

Most of the time, bleeding from penis happens after sex, why is it?

  • Common Cause

A man in his early 40s who had not had sex for some time noticed that it was painful to ejaculate and found that he was bleeding after he finished ejaculating. There are a variety of conditions that could cause these symptoms. In most cases this is the result of irritation to the prostate or urethra brought on by sexual activity. This is common, particularly after vigorous sex or if the man does not have sex frequently. Resting should reduce symptoms brought on by this condition.

  • Inflammation

Mild bleeding after sex may also be the result of inflammation to the prostate, particularly if ejaculation is also painful. This is more common in older men, and your doctor can perform a routine examination to determine if the prostate is inflamed or tender. If tenderness or nodules are found during the examination, your doctor will determine the best course of action to prevent further damage.

3. Heavy Bleeding After Sex

A woman reported that her husband noticed a great deal of blood dripping from the urethra, similar to the flow caused by a bloody nose. His wife was concerned that he may have broken a blood vessel because his penis had been bent during sex. This is a possibility, and if this was the case the bleeding should stop within a few days. If the bleeding does not stop or the bleeding is accompanied by pain, fever or trouble urinating, you should contact a urologist as this could be a sign of a bladder, kidney or prostate infection.

In the end, any type of bleeding from penis should not be ignored. If you are concerned about symptoms you have been experiencing, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

4. Urinary Tract Infection

  • Why It Causes Penile Bleeding

Urinary tract infections may affect the ureters, kidneys, urethra or bladder. If these areas are infected it can cause tenderness, swelling or bleeding as the tissue becomes increasingly damaged. Additional signs that you are suffering from a urinary tract infection include rectal pain, strong-smelling urine, passing frequent but small amounts of urine, burning sensations when urinating, a persistent urge to urinate, cloudy urine, urine that is pink, cola colored or red. Symptoms and such as chills, shaking, pain on the side or back, nausea, vomiting, fever, lower abdomen discomfort or pelvic pressure may also occur based on what part of the urinary tract is infected.

  • How to Prevent

To prevent urinary infections from developing in the future to avoid bleeding from penis, take care when wiping after taking a bowel movement to avoid spreading bacteria around the genitals. Empty the bladder as soon after intercourse as possible to flush away any bacteria that may have been spread. You should also make a point of drinking plenty of water and other hydrating fluids to ensure frequent urination that will flush away bacteria in the urinary tract before they can take hold and cause an infection.

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