Male Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are a common health concern for women, but it is possible for men to develop a yeast infection, too. Often, men have no idea they have an infection until their partner is affected. They can transmit the infection to their partners or become infected from their partners when the infection travels up the exposed urethra after intercourse. Understanding the causes as well some useful remedies for male yeast infection can help to improve your health as well as love life.

Causes and Symptoms of Male Yeast Infection


There are several ways a yeast infection can develop. Drinking beer brings yeast into the body, which can trigger an infection. The infection does not become problematic until it is transferred to a female partner (the warmer environment in vagina makes the symptoms easier to develop) and then passed back to the male. At this point the infection can travel to the prostate and trigger unpleasant symptoms, such as swelling. A woman can also be the originator of the infection and pass it to her partner.

Other causes of a male yeast infection include consumption of wheat, peanuts, corn, or antibiotics.


Some of the symptoms of a male yeast infection mimic those of sexually transmitted diseases, so it is important to consult your doctor to rule out a serious problem. See your doctor if you experience constipation, bloating, bad breath, frequent intestinal gas, frequent diarrhea, indigestion, very loose stools, irritability, mood swings, fatigue or lack of energy, memory loss, jock itch, dry, itchy and flaky skin, athletes feet, sexual dysfunction, or prostate problems.

Treatments for Male Yeast Infection

One of the most important things you can do to treat a male yeast infection and prevent future infections is to keep the genital area dry and clean. Wash the genitals several times a day with water and dry with a clean towel before applying medication. Certain kinds of soap can trigger an infection, so use plain water for washing or speak with your doctor about appropriate alternatives to your usual soap or shower gel. Be sure clothing, especially undergarments, are completely dry before wearing. Loose clothing is better during yeast infection treatment and for preventing future flare-ups.

Try Medications

  • Prescription Drugs

These are most effective for treating a yeast infection. The two most common prescriptions include Nizoral and Diflucan. Unfortunately, Nizorel can effect a person's liver and reduce the body's ability to product testosterone, so you might want to speak with your doctor about an alternative with fewer side effects.

There are also over the counter medications that can help treat a male yeast infection. Over the counter products intended to treat female yeast infections can also be effective for men. If symptoms persist or the infection recurs, you will need to contact your doctor. Stubborn, recurrent yeast infections can be a sign of a more serious medical problem, such as diabetes.

  • Topical Antifungals & Oral Medications

One of the most popular treatments for a yeast infection is Monistat cream. It is an antifungal cream used to treat female yeast infections. Other options include Lamisil, Micatin, and Lotrimin. Vagisil cream can help relieve the symptoms associated with a yeast infection, but might not completely eliminate the infection. Oral antifungal medications can be used in conjunction with symptom-reducing topical products.

Try Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies can also provide relief from male yeast infections. Gentian violet has antifungal properties and can be applied topically. Organic coconut oil is another effective treatment and can also be used as a natural lubricant during intercourse, preventing infections from transferring or recurring. The oil can also be taken orally (1 tablespoon or 2 one day) to further enhance its benefits. Finally, organic oregano oil can be mixed with water and drunk to flush the urinary system from the inside out.

Refrain from Having Sex

If you or your partner is showing any signs of a yeast infection, you should avoid intercourse. Sex makes both partners vulnerable and makes it easy to transfer infection from person to person. For most couples, if one partner has a yeast infection and unprotected sex occurs, it is highly likely both partners will become infected. It is safer to avoid intercourse until both partners are completely free of symptoms.

Keep a Healthy Diet

The foods you eat can help you avoid a yeast infection. Furthermore, your diet should be altered when infected to enhance treatment. The Candida Diet cuts down on yeast and helps your body heal and fight harmful bacteria. This diet relies heavily on vegetables, such as cucumber, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale. These strengthen the immune system and are very low in sugar. Avoid products containing a great deal of sugar, such as pastries, cakes, cookies, and chocolates. Fresh and dried fruit can also be problematic when yeast is a problem, as can bread, oats, pasta, and processed meats. Finally, avoid beer and wine because alcohol promotes yeast growth.

Try Vinegar

Vinegar is another effective tool for combating a yeast infection. The yeast infection medication Monistat can be combined with a few drops of white vinegar to create a potent topical medication that relieves symptoms and cures infection. Organic, unprocessed apple cider vinegar also has antifungal properties and enzymes that control yeast growth. Drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar each day can help you combat a male yeast infection.

Try Garlic

Garlic is loaded with antifungal properties and can be a very effective method for treating a male yeast infection. Simply add four cloves to a meal (try steaming some of the veggies listed above) and enjoy. Adding garlic to tea can also help (preferably 2 to 3 cups a day). Garlic can be used topically, as well. Rub a clove of garlic on the affected area of the genitals for approximately a week until symptoms ease.

Have Some Lemon Juice and Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is great for preventing a yeast infection from turning into a bladder infection. Drink two glasses of unsweetened, pure cranberry juice each day to restore good bacteria to your system. Lemon juice contains vitamin C and helps balance pH levels in the body. Many consider pH balance the key to treating and preventing yeast infections. Lemon juice can also be applied topically to the affected area.

Use Aloe Vero Gel, Honey, and Tea Tree Oil

These three treatments are natural, inexpensive, and help to relieve the symptoms associated with a yeast infection. Aloe vera gel contains antifungal properties and soothes the itching associated with an infection. Honey, though high in sugar, helps restore pH balance to the body. Honey can be applied topically, but it is important to wash and dry the affected area after it sits for about 20 minutes. Finally, tea tree oil is one of the world's most popular natural antifungal treatments. It should be diluted with a base oil and applied to the affected area with a cotton swab.

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