Is Whey Protein Bad for Your Health?

So many people are in love with whey protein, but others believe it does not deserve that much of hype. Still, the truth is that whey protein is extremely popular. There was a time when it was only used by bodybuilders, but today, athletes and even casual gym goers take whey protein to increase their gains. Also used in soup, bread, ice cream, baby formula, and many other products, whey proteins are considered beneficial because they have higher levels of essential amino acids. However, you will still find many people askingif whey protein is bad. Will there be any side effects?

Is Whey Protein Bad for You?

If you use it properly, you are less likely to worry about any side effects. However, you need to bear in mind that whey protein can be bad if you go overboard and use too much of it. About 20% of protein in milk is whey protein and is of the highest quality protein as well. You need to increase your intake of protein when you are physically active and that is when whey protein can certainly help. You do not need that much of protein if you have a rather sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to talk to your doctor before including whey protein in your diet, especially if you are also following a low carb diet.

Is whey protein bad for you? It can be, and here are some common issues associated with it.

1.       It Could Lead to Fat Gain

You may end up gaining fat when you opt for whey protein that is laden with added sugars. Some whey protein supplements may come with added carbs and fat as well. Some people may end up taking more than what is recommended and increase their caloric intake unknowingly. This can also lead to weight gain over time. If you are trying to put on some lean muscle, you need to ensure you are not going for whey protein supplements that are tagged as "weight gainers". These supplements are most often used by bodybuilders trying to bulk up their muscles by increasing their intake of protein, carbs, and even fat. Read the label to avoid problems.

2.      It Could Cause Kidney Stones

Some experts believe that increasing your intake of whey protein can cause kidney stones. There is no concrete evidence suggesting that protein plays a role in the formation of kidney stones, but whey protein certainly does not prevent them. Moreover, it can worsen your condition if you already have kidney stones. You are likely to develop kidney stones when you take excessive amounts of protein without adding more fiber to your diet. Drinking more water may also help lower your risk of developing kidney stones.

3.      It Could Cause Digestive Issues

Whey protein provides you with lactose that can cause several digestive issues, especially when you are lactose intolerant. Interestingly, many people who are not lactose intolerant may still be sensitive to it, and that is why a large majority of people experience digestive problems after consuming lactose. To avoid the issue, you may consider using a whey protein concentrate because it usually does not contain any lactose.

4.      It Could Cause Gout

While there is no clear scientific evidence suggesting that increased intake of protein causes gout, it can certainly worsen your condition. It means that if you are already showing signs of gout, taking whey protein may complicate the situation. It is also a good idea to avoid it if you have a family history of gout. The reason is that whey protein contains a large amount of amino acids that your body may not be able to process if you have some inflammatory conditions like gout. These amino acids will build up in your system and make your condition worse.

How Much and When Can You Take It?

Is whey protein bad for you? It may or may not be bad depending on how much you take. It is usually safe when taken in moderation. Taking too much of it can put unnecessary strain on your kidneys and can even lead to fat gain. Studies show that you should be going for 20g-25g of whey protein per day for general improvement in immune system function, body composition, and fat loss. It is better to talk to your doctor before you start including a whey supplement in your diet because many times you need a lot less than what is generally recommended for most people.

When to Take It

Is whey protein bad for you? Not if you take in moderation and at the right time. Your body can digest whey protein quite quickly, and that is the reason why the best time to take it alone is 30-60 minutes after your strength training session.

However, it is important to take it with other foods when you are not taking it after your workout because it would slow down its digestion and offer better results. A great way to include it in your daily routine is to add some whey protein powder to oats and enjoy it for breakfast. You can also use it in a number of pancake recipes.

You can also enjoy a protein shake when you are interested in having a quick snack at work. Simply add some nuts or fish oil to the recipe to ensure that your body takes some time to process the protein. Taking it with a little fat can slow down its digestion, but you should avoid eating too much of it.

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