Yeast Infection Cures

image001Vaginal yeast infections are fairly common. Research and statistics suggest that almost 75% women of reproductive age group experience at least one episode of vaginal yeast infection in entire lifetime. The classic symptoms of yeast infections are feeling of itchiness in vagina, thick curd like vaginal discharge and persistent irritation that does not resolve with scratching. Management of yeast infection is simple and rests mainly on lifestyle modification, unless infection is chronic, refractory to medical management or recurrent infections.

3 Steps to Cure Yeast Infection

Home Remedies

  • image002Yeast-free Diet. Diet and nutrition plays a very important role in the management of yeast infection. A lot of diets either supply nutrients that are required for the growth of yeast or create an ideal environment for the production or spread of this pathogen. Diets that are laden with sugars often play a contributory role in the development of yeast infection. Restrict or totally eliminate the intake of nutrients like processed or refined sugars (white flour, bakery items, cookies and sugars), fermented foods (like miso, yogurt, vinegar or anything that contains vinegar like salad dressings), foods that contain yeast like pizza, bread or other similar items. Likewise, it is also recommended to avoid foods that generate sugar as part of the fermentation or metabolism like beer, wine or heavy corn syrup. Most people recover within a week just be proper dietary restriction.
  • image003Calendula. Calendula is a beauty-care ingredient that is found in most facial care products. However, if it is consumed orally, it can also eliminate yeast infection. Most healthcare providers also advice the tincture forms to manage maternal yeast infections (especially along breast tissue) in the first few weeks post delivery.
  • Palmarosa Oil. Combining palmarosa oil to tea tree oil (in a ratio of 2:1) in a traditional anti- fungal cream can increase the efficacy of the cream several folds. It can also be used as a useful remedy to manage the asymptomatic carriers of infection.
  • Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil is available widely in a variety of formulations. For best results, tea tree oil suppository is the best remedy that can manage yeast fungal infection. You can use it twice a day to achieve early and fruitful results.
  • Supplements. Nutritional supplements (especially multi- vitamin and mineral supplements) are very useful in controlling and preventing recurrent chronic infections. Yeast infections are mainly classified as opportunistic in nature, since people with compromised immunity mostly develop these infections. Make sure to consume supplements that contain ginseng, vitamin B complex, vitamin C and Carotenoids in addition to zinc and magnesium to minimize the risk of developing recurrent infections.

Here is an additional video link that may help in guiding you more about optimal management options for natural treatment of yeast infection.

Medical Options

  • image004Most uncomplicated yeast infections respond to non- aggressive short course of topical antifungal ointments and medications. If you have developed mild yeast vaginal infection for the first time, your doctor will advice you a 3- day course of anti- fungal medications (most popular ones are azole antifungals). This includes suppository, ointments and oral therapy. Likewise, you may also receive just one- time dose of Diflucan or fluconazole. When you are on topical antifungals, the patency of condoms or vaginal diaphragms may not be 100% (so maintain extra caution to prevent an unwanted pregnancy).
  • If the yeast infection is severe, recurrent and associated with a more aggressive course, your healthcare provider may advice you a more intense course (that includes topical antifungal, oral medications and suppositories) for a period of at least 14 days.
  • Other possible options include a combination therapy with high quality antifungal medications (like fluconazole); however, this therapy is neither indicated nor considered safe for pregnant woman.
  • After the completion of initial aggressive course of treatment, your doctor will assess and confirm that infection has been treated. In complicated yeast infections, healthcare providers often advice a maintenance therapy for a period of 6 months followed by periodic visitation and testing to confirm the infection has not recurred. Fluconazole given once a week is the maintenance therapy for chronic cases. You may also use clotrimazole suppository for 6 months (once weekly) as a substitute for oral therapy.

Preventive Measures

  • image005Maintain optimal hygiene of vaginal area and avoid using perfumes or scents (in the form of douche or sprays) to prevent irritation. Change your sanitary pads and tampons periodically.
  • Always wipe you’re your anus from front to back to avoid populating fecal flora or pathogens to your vagina or urethra.
  • Avoid tight fitted under clothing and irritating silk- like material (use cotton undergarments that are loose and comfortable).
  • Avoid wearing tight jeans or panty hoses for long hours. Likewise avoid wearing wet clothing (like swim suits for long) due to high risk of increasing moisture and warmth in your vaginal area (that serves as a perfect harboring environment for yeast).
  • Always use unscented soaps and mild water to clean your vaginal area. Keep it dry using clean towel
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