Thick Uterine Lining

image001There are a variety of causes that can lead to a thick uterine lining, including common occurrences such as menstruation or pregnancy. In some cases a thickened uterine lining can be caused by painful conditions such as endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis and uterine fibroid that display symptoms that will require medical attention.

Overview of Thick Uterine Lining

A thickened uterine lining can be caused by a variety of conditions.

  1. During pregnancy the uterine walls will naturally thicken to accommodate the baby. This allows the body to protect the fetus as it grows in the womb while preventing infectious materials from affecting your growing child. This thickened lining is shed during menstruation when the body is not pregnant.
  2. Some women see their uterine lining thicken as they age.
  3. Thickened uterine lining may occur if they suffer from endometrium problems, such as endometriosis. These diseases cause the uterine walls to become thick, which can cause severe pain.
  4. Cancer, fibroids or polyps, however, can also cause the uterine walls to thicken.
  5. Some believe that certain sexual transmitting diseases increase the development of a thickened uterine lining, but these claims are largely unsubstantiated.

Medical Conditions Behind Thick Uterine Lining

Endometrial Hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia causes an abnormal thickening of the endometrium in preparation for pregnancy. If the body is not pregnant then the body will attempt to shed this excess lining. In most cases this condition is noncancerous and is developed in those that are approaching menopause, but other conditions can cause this condition to appear.



Risk Factors

Home Remedies

Changes in periods

Hot flashes


Dryness of the vagina

Bleeding between menstrual periods

Excess growth of body hair

Missed periods

Heavy bleeding during periods

Mood swings

Rapid heart rate

Pain during intercourse

Tenderness of the vagina

Severe fatigue

Chronic diseases

Overgrowth of cells due to excessive amounts of estrogen

Estrogen therapy



Polycystic ovary syndrome



Estrogen therapy

Missed periods

Hormone releasing contraceptive, including birth control pills, rings and patch, as well as intrauterine device

Hormone replacement therapy such as progestin or estrogen, including synthetic versions


Endometriosis is a painful condition that causes the endometrium tissue to grow outside the uterus. This displaced tissue will thicken, break down and then shed throughout the menstrual cycle just like the standard tissue inside the uterus. Because it is not in the proper location to be removed from the body, this excess tissue can become trapped, causing irritation, scar tissue or adhesions that can bind the organs together. This can affect your fertility and cause severe pain.



Risk Factors

Home Remedies

Pain during intercourse

Painful periods and cramping of the abdomen and lower back

Pain during urination or bowel movements


Excessive bleeding during and between periods






Retrograde menstruation

Surgical scar implantation

Embryonic cell growth

Immune system disorder

Endometrial cells transport through the lymphatic system

History of pelvic infections

Family history of endometriosis

Never giving birth

Uterine abnormalities

Medical conditions that impair the passage of the menstruation

Over the counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs including naproxen or ibuprofen

Warm baths

Application of heating pads during cramps

Regular exercise

Uterine Fibroid

Uterine fibroids often appear during the child bearing years, causing a rubbery, firm mass to appear and grow on the uterus. These can shrink during pregnancy, experience growth spurts and tend to vary in size and presence on the reproductive organs. As many as 3 of 4 women experience fibroids during their lifetime, though these rarely pose an additional risk such as cancer. Your doctor will often spot fibroids during a routine pelvic exam.



Risk Factors

Home Remedies

Pelvic pain or pressure

Prolonged menstrual periods, defined as bleeding for seven or more days

Difficulty emptying the bladder

Heavy menstrual bleeding


Leg pains

Frequent urination

An increase in hormones

A genetic tendency

Insulin like growth factor

Identical twins

Black women

Hereditary disposition

Menstruation at a young age

Having much meat and alcohol

Low intake of fruits and vegetables

Apply heat to the lower abdomen

Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen

Lie down and elevate the legs

Use pads rather than tampons

Lie on your side and bring the knees to the chest

Get more exercise

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