Is White Discharge from Vagina During Sex Normal?

Women usually seek medical advice when they notice changes in their vaginal discharge. These changes may involve alterations in the color, consistency, odor, and quantity of their discharge. The truth is that white discharge can be caused by many reasons, including normal conditions and serious conditions. Check other accompanying signs carefully to know when you need medical help.

White Discharge during Sex

Normal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is made of natural fluids and cells produced by the body and this is usually clear and similar in character to mucus at mid-cycle or during ovulation. This discharge becomes thicker and whitish in color after ovulation. However, color and consistency of vaginal discharge may vary among women, depending on various factors, like age, amount of sexual activity, hormonal changes, medications, and presence of infection.

During sexual arousal and intercourse, vaginal secretion increases to provide lubrication. Physical and psychological changes lead to increased blood supply to the pelvic area, causing erection of the clitoris and increased mucus secretion from the glands of the cervix and vagina. During orgasm or climax, which may be single or multiple, there is no ejaculation (unlike males) but the muscles of the uterus and vagina contract and become engorged with blood, secreting thick white discharge, accompanied by a feeling of fulfillment and peace.

When to Worry

Vaginal secretions may increase when infection occurs and these are usually accompanied by symptoms such as changes in color, odor, and consistency of the secretions and a burning or itching sensation. It is advisable to consult a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. Here is some information on how to recognize abnormal vaginal secretions from white discharge during sex.

Abnormal Vaginal Discharges

Bacterial Vaginosis


Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, which upsets the balance in the vaginal environment. When the number of harmful bacteria increases beyond their normal numbers, symptoms occur. Recurrence is common and the condition may coexist with other types of vaginal infections. Having sex with multiple partners or engaging in oral intercourse increases your risk of developing vaginosis.


About half of affected women do not have signs and symptoms but others experience an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, which may be whitish or grayish, thin, and with fishy or foul odor. The odor may be prominent especially after sexual intercourse.



Trichomoniasis is caused by protozoa called Trichomonas, which spreads through sexual intercourse. However, the microorganisms can survive in moist environment for several hours, so that one may transmit the infection through bathing suits or wet towels.


Although some women and most men do not display symptoms, signs and symptoms may include a frothy, yellow, or green discharge that has a foul odor. You may notice inflammation and itching of the vulva or the vagina and an increase in the frequency of urination.

Yeast Infection


Normally women have a small number of yeast (or Candida albicans) in their vagina. However, a yeast infection develops when an overabundance of yeast occurs. This is often caused by changes in the vaginal pH or acidity of the vagina. Yeast infection is not usually transmitted sexually. Factors that may increase your risk for yeast infections include stress, diabetes, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, and antibiotics.


Signs and symptoms include an increase in the amount of discharge, which is characterized as white, appearing like cottage cheese, itching, redness, and burning sensation in the vulva and vagina.

If you notice unusual changes in your vaginal discharge, consult your doctor for prompt diagnosis and treatment. The best way to prevent any vaginal discomfort is to practice personal hygiene, watch a video for vaginal care:

Prevention and Treatments for Vaginal Infections

 While white discharge during sex may not be a problem, you still need to pay attention: 

  • Always wear condoms during sexual intercourse
  • Wear cotton underwear
  • Stay healthy; eat well, get enough sleep, drink enough fluids
  • Keep vaginal area clean and dry
  • Wipe from front to back after urination or bowel movement
  • Avoid using deodorant pads or tampons
  • Avoid vulvo/vaginal irritants, including perfumed or deodorant soaps/body washes
  • Don't use petroleum jelly or other oils for lubricants
  • Don't douche
  • If using medication inside the vagina, use it during the menstrual period
  • Avoid sexual intercourse until treatment is completed and you are symptom free
  • Don't scratch infected or inflamed areas because it can cause further irritation
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