What Does Weird Blood Clot During Period Mean?

It is completely normal for a woman to have menstrual cycles that vary every month in appearance and consistency. However, there are instances when changes in thickness, color or clotting may mean something is wrong. Even though you may feel uncomfortable talking to your doctor about menstrual problems such as weird blood clot during period, it is important to do so when you have concerns or questions.

Are Blood Clots During Period Normal?

It is very common for women to experience a weird blood clot during period. Having clots during your menstrual cycle once in a while is perfectly normal. The color of the clots can vary from bright crimson to very dark red. Clots usually shed from the menstrual lining during the heaviest days of your cycle. If you have several clots in your flow, your menstrual cycle may appear to be denser or thicker than usual.

Normally, your body releases anticoagulants into your system to prevent menstrual blood from clotting. However, sometimes there isn’t sufficient time for the anticoagulant to start working, especially when your flow is heavy. You should see your doctor if you have clots the size of a quarter or larger or if you have excessive clotting. Your physician can rule out different conditions that might be causing a weird blood clot during period.

What Might Weird Blood Clot During Period Indicate?

1. Menstrual Blood Clots Associated with Fibroids

Sometimes a woman’s menstrual bleeding is excessive and appears to have flesh coming out in her period. This can indicate the presence of a benign uterine growth called a fibroid. Around 75 percent of women in the United States will develop fibroids at one point in their lives. Most of these women will not experience any symptoms. However, around 25 percent of women with fibroids will have heavy menstrual blood flow with blood clots.

2. Changes in Uterus and Blood Clots

Any time you have an increase in menstrual flow, your body can produce blood clots. Sometimes it can appear as a skin like substance in your period. You are especially vulnerable to clots if your menstrual blood is allowed to gather in your uterus or your flow if blocked from leaving.

There are several disorders or illnesses that can cause this to occur. One condition is called endometriosis. If this is the case, a woman’s uterine lining thickens as it overgrows and becomes abnormal. This can cause uterine blood to pool and then weird blood clots can appear during her period. Also, if a woman has had twins or several pregnancies, her uterus may become particularly large. This can allow menstrual blood to gather and clot, releasing into the vagina and flowing out with her period.

3. Uterine Polyps

Another benign growth in the uterus is called a polyp. When a polyp develops and grows in the uterine lining, it can protrude and interfere with the menstrual flow of blood, therefore causing it to clot.

4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This condition is caused by irregular hormone levels which in turn causes numerous irregularities in your menstrual period. Besides weight gain, prolonged heavy bleeding during your cycle and abnormal hair growth, you may experience the passage of large blood clots.

5. Medication Side Effects

Some medications produce side effects like hormonal changes. This can lead to a thickened uterine lining and heavier bleeding. When the lining sheds, clots may form and be released in the menstrual flow.

6. Other Conditions

When a woman is suffering a miscarriage, she may pass large pieces of tissue or blood clots. It is highly recommended that you contact your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room if you pass a large blood clot when you are pregnant.

Although rare, when a woman is suffering from uterine cancer, there may be the presence of blood clots.

What to Do About Weird Blood Clots During Period

1. OTC Medications

Many women can reduce the symptoms and discomforts of weird blood clots during their period with the use of over-the-counter medications. These would include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as naproxen, known as Aleve and Naprosyn; and ibuprofen, under the brand names of Advil, Nuprin and Motrin.

NSAIDs can relieve menstrual pain and may reduce menstrual blood flow. This can reduce the occurrence of blood clots. Just remember before starting a NSAID regimen, you should consult your doctor to make sure it is safe and appropriate for your condition.

2. Seek Medical Help

While it can be perfectly normal for a woman to pass blood clots during menstruation, when the clots are abnormally large it can be an indication that something is wrong. If your period is considerably heavier than normal, you should consult your doctor. An example of this would be soaking through one tampon or menstrual pad every hour for several hours or discharging large blood clots in your menstrual flow.

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