Cocaine False Positive

There are a variety of cocaine tests: urine test, saliva test, hair test and blood test. Usually these drug tests have a high rate of accuracy- mostly the test checks for benzoylecgonine in the body which is a byproduct of the body’s metabolism of the drug. Benzoylecgonine can only be detected in urine for around three days after using cocaine.

There have been cases where users have been tested positive for cocaine, without ever having touched the drug. These false positive cocaine tests are not only a heavy burden on the mind, they tend to create an opinion in the minds of others. Several people have lost their jobs, and in some cases even families because of false positive tests. The reasons for a false positive can be varied, however, convincing a doctor with simple arguments will not cause him to take a retest; thus, it is important to know the possible causes of false positive cocaine test and take measures to combat the results.

Causes of Cocaine False Positive Testing

A few conditions or medications that can trigger a false positive cocaine test include:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Topical anesthetics which derive from cocaine (novocaine and lidocaine not included)
  • Ingesting coca

Coca leaves are fairly common around parts of the world, and since cocaine is synthesized from coca leaves, ingesting these leaves might create a false positive cocaine test.

When testing for cocaine, it is best not to skimp out; lots of home kits are available for testing various drugs- these leave room for error, not only from the testing kit, but from the user as well. Seeking professional help and figuring out the real cause for cocaine false positive is always the best way to go.

Watch a video to learn more about cocaine testing:

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