Can I Take Nyquil with Claritin?

If you are wondering, can I take Nyquil with Claritin, it is important to know a little bit about each medication and what they are meant to remedy. Along with the effects of certain medicine in treating certain condition, there may be some side effects. Different kinds of medicines may have some sort of interactions within your body, thus taking them together without a doctor's advice may pose risks to your overall health.

Can I Take Nyquil with Claritin?

Because each of these medications contain different formulas meant to treat different conditions, it is safe to take both of them at the same time or in a short period of time. Unlike Claritin, Nyquil does not have a decongestant to relieve the nasal passages. There is no overlap of similar ingredients, therefore no risk of any side effects. If you plan on taking additional medications that have decongestants to relieve your cold symptoms, wait at least 4 hours before taking it.

Nyquil and Claritin


The ingredients in Nyquil include antihistamines that are capable of sedation, alcohol, and hypnotics. This medication is primarily to be used before bedtime. There is a daytime version of this medication called Dayquil that does not have antihistamines in it and the formula was created so that drowsiness would not occur.

This non-prescription medicine was formulated to treat the symptoms of a cold, the flu, bronchitis, allergies, and sinusitis. One of the ingredients of Nyquil is dextromethorphan which suppresses the urge to cough by signaling that message to a specific part of the brain. Congestion in the ears and nose are relieved with the addition of a decongestant. Antihistamines take care of the sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and sore throat while the acetaminophen, which is not an aspirin, relieves pain and reduces a fever. Nyquil will not cut down the coughing caused from asthma or smoking cigarettes. Make sure you let your doctor know if you are planning on taking Nyquil and Claritin together.

  • Precautions

As with any medications, prescription or over-the-counter, make sure you check with your doctor if you have any conditions that could create a bad reaction. If you are going to take Nyquil, let your doctor know if you have had an allergic reaction to any of its ingredients. You should also notify your doctor if you have diabetes, breathing problems, heart problems, kidney problems, high blood pressure, liver disease, stomach problems, seizures, overactive thyroid; problems urinating that are a result of an enlarged prostate, and glaucoma.

You may end up feeling drowsy, dizzy, and have blurred vision. You must refrain from drinking alcohol and driving. You are cautioned to consult your doctor if you have issues that have to do with consuming alcohol, sugar, or aspartame. If you are preparing to undergo surgery, let your doctor know that you are taking Nyquil.

This medication may cause you to have mood swings, an increased hear rate, changes in your blood pressure, drowsiness, problems urinating, constipation, and dizziness. If you are pregnant you should talk with your doctor before taking this medication. You should also talk with your doctor before taking Nyquil if you are breastfeeding.

  • Possible Side Effects

Some of the side effects of taking Nyquil include dizziness, upset stomach, drowsiness, nervousness, blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, dry nose, and sore throat. Consult your doctor if you have trouble breathing or develop a rash.


Claritin is available in three different forms – tablets, syrup, and reditabs. Each one is made up of different amounts of loratadine, which is an antihistamine. It was created to cut down on the reactions of natural histamine in our body and reduce cold and flu symptoms as well as the watery eyes and sneezing that come from allergies.

  • Precautions

Make sure you tell your doctor if you are allergic to desloratadine or loratadine, key ingredients in Claritin. You also should tell your physician if you have allergies to any medications, prescription or over-the-counter. Let your doctor know if you have problems with your liver or kidney and are planning on taking Claritin. You should not use machinery or drive until you see how this medication affects you.

  • Possible Side Effects

Side effects that are on the serious side include: an uneven or elevated heart rate; jaundice, which is when your skin or eyes take on a yellow cast; seizures or convulsions; and a feeling that you may pass out.

Side effects that may be uncomfortable but are not certainly life-threatening include: headache, diarrhea, dry mouth, nervousness, and a lethargic feeling.

Can I Take Claritin and Mucinex?

Mucinex is a medication that you can purchase without a prescription, it is used to loosen and thin mucous membranes as well as control coughing and ease congestion. It can also be used to treat other illnesses, but make sure to check with your doctor to see if it is an effective choice.

If you are wondering, can I take Claritin and Mucinex at the same time? You have to look at the ingredients. While Mucinex has a decongestant and a mucolytic in its formulation, Claritin contains an antihistamine. There are no known side effects for mucolytic and as long as you are taking regular Claritin (not Claritin d12 or Claritin d24) there should be no problems combining the medications. If you do begin to experience any kind of symptoms, let your doctor know right away.

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