Best Age to Get Pregnant

Many women decide to delay having children until the circumstances are right for them. You have been told or read that decisions made during your 20s to delay childbearing are certain to affect your fertility levels in your 30s.

Much of the information about risks for mothers over 35 is unsubstantiated by current medical research. However, there are many things that you should bear in mind when considering pregnancy. Here are reasonable expectations for getting pregnant in your 20s, 30s or 40s.

How Does Age Affect Fertility?—Best Time to Get Pregnant

Women reach their highest fertility rate between the ages of 20 -24. Women engaging in lovemaking every two or three days have an 80% chance to conceive within one year and 92% chance to become pregnant within two years after stopping contraception. The following chart gives you a clearer idea about the relationship between age and fertility as well as the best age to get pregnant:


For women, fertility does decrease after the age of 30, dropping radically after 35. While it may be more difficult in some cases, many women conceive without difficulty until the age of 35. After 35, it becomes increasingly more difficult and the chances of miscarriage or birth disorders with the child do increase. By the age of 40, it is estimated that 2 in 5 women who wish to conceive will be able to do so.

For men, fertility begins to decline after the age of 50 with an increasing rate of sperm disorders as they age. While the decline takes place later and more gradually, the results may affect the health of any children conceived.

In spite of decreased fertility in women over 35, the chance of conceiving twins increases. Researchers suspect that this is due to an elevated production of the hormone FSH speculating that is the natural response to availability of fewer viable eggs.

While becoming the parent of twins may be desirable, it does require greater financial and emotional resources to raise two children. Often, women carrying twins face greater healthcare issues with many being placed on complete bed rest during the last weeks or months of pregnancy.

Pros and Cons of Pregnancy in Your 20s


  • Peak years of fertility
  • Better probability of viable egg production
  • Decreased chance of birth defects and genetic abnormalities
  • Reduced risk of miscarriage and preterm delivery
  • Diminished potential for endometriosis and fibroids during pregnancy
  • Less risk of complications such as high blood pressure and gestational diabetes
  • Reduced risk of low birth weight baby
  • Better ability to respond to sleep interruptions
  • Higher stamina level for adapting to needs of child during growth process
  • Greater flexibility for parenting with father rather than demanding your own way to raise child
  • Stronger possibility for remaining energetic when becoming a grandparent


  • Career opportunity diminishes greatly due to lack of current references
  • Loss of competitive edge with current business models and methods
  • Decreased lifetime earning potential on which social security is calculated
  • Decreased opportunity to increase retirement funds such as IRAs
  • Higher debt to income ratio intensifying financial struggles
  • Unexpected marital problems due to transition period from spouse to parent
  • Inexperience at supporting spouse through depression and abandonment issues
  • Higher potential for dissatisfaction in social activities and desires for better living conditions
  • Lack of preparation for sacrifices required to raise child
  • Increased risk of behavior problems in children born to young parents

Pros and Cons of Pregnancy in Your 30s


  • Fertility rate remains high
  • Viable egg production continues to be good
  • Continued ability to recover from sleep interruptions
  • Better likelihood of experiences that generate patience and perspective
  • Better able to compromise with spouse on parenting issues
  • Probability of higher income
  • Greater opportunity for creating financial cushion
  • Higher potential for establishing your work/career credentials
  • Likelihood of more stabilized debt to income ratio
  • Greater flexibility to return to career than women in their 20s who lack credentials and women in their 40s who have already advanced their careers
  • Greater self-confidence in handling unexpected parenting problems
  • Increased awareness of needs of spouse during transition from spouse to parent


Physical risks listed below are for women after the age of 35

  • Increased risk of birth defects and genetic abnormalities
  • Higher potential for pregnancy related complications
  • Higher risk for ectopic pregnancy – an egg becoming fertilized outside the uterus
  • Increased need for caesarian section
  • Prolonged second-stage labor
  • Potential for fetal distress during childbirth
  • May take longer to become pregnant
  • Higher rate of multiple births
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