Why Smoking Is Bad

We all know that smoking is harmful. Smoking often starts with some very simple reasons—we try to be cool and fit in the society. Over time, smoking becomes a bad habit that is harmful to our health and affects the appearance. Smoking not only casts negative effects over the health of the smoker, but also those around him.

Why Is Smoking Bad?

Smoker not only endangers his own health, but also that of the people around him. Smoking cigarettes may even affect the fetus. And there is also the economic side of the problem concerning the health-care resources.

1. Bring About Several Health Conditions

  • Cancer

Over 90% of cancer cases are caused by smoking. According to the American Lung Association, tobacco smoke contains more than 50 chemicals that are considered to be causative agents of cancer. Smokers are at higer risk of getting several types of cancer including lung cancer, bladder cancer, stomach cancer, mouth cancer and esophagus cancer.

  • Lung disease

Smoking is destructive to the lungs.Chronic bronchitis has 49% of current smokers and 26% of former smokers. Emphysema has 24% of smokers, either current or former. People who smoke are up to 13 times more likely to die from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  • Blood vessel disease

Smokers have two to four times more chances to suffer a stroke or heart disease than nonsmokers. Smoking constricts blood vessels and prevents normal blood flow to organs and tissues. Smoking destroys blood vessels and leads to aneurysms—a sudden increase in blood vessels whose cracking can lead to stroke or even death.

2. Have Negative Effects on Unborn Child

Side effects of smoking not only affect a pregnant woman, but also her unborn child. Leaving these bad habits in the first trimester of pregnancy can significantly reduce the health risks for the baby.

3. Cause Breathing Difficulty

Smoking leads to respiratory problems,both for smokers themselves and people around them. It may cause coughing, wheezing and even exacerbate asthma attacks in children.

4. Harm and Irritate People Around You

Passive smoking may be more harmful than smoking. Tobacco smoke has many toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. Inhaling the smoke can cause respiratory disease, cancer and shortened lifetime of people who inhale it. Smokers usually carry some terrible smell and this may have negative effects in making friends as some people would really detest smoking.

5. Accelerate Aging

Chemicals and toxins in cigarettes constrict the capillaries beneath the skin and prevent the supply of fresh blood. The result is dry and lifeless skin and permanent lack of collagen and elastin in the skin. This leads to the appearance of fine lines around the eyes and lips and the appearance of aging spots.

6. Affects the Reproductive Health

Smoking may lead to premature ejaculation in men. It affects poor circulation throughout the body, including in the penis, which leads to a lack of stamina. In addition, a number of studies of universities in Arizona and Kentucky have shown that smoking affects the libido and significantly reduces the desire for sex of those in the late 20's and early 30 years, which are the best reproductive years.

7. Influence the Strength of the Bones

Smoking affects the amount of leeched calcium and thus the density of the bone. This is the cause of osteoporosis, joint pains and tooth loss. Brittle bones are more susceptible to fractures and heal much slower.

8. Result In Skin Issues

Smokers are more likely to develop psoriasis. Harmful substances slow down the circulation and the skin does not get enough oxygen and nutrients. It makes the skin pale and unhealthy.

9. Induce Unpleasant Smelling

Smokers do not smell pleasant. The smell of tobacco is in their hair, skin and clothes. This fragrance gets into the furniture and living space and is difficult to remove. In addition, smokers have a constantly bad breath – halitosis.

How Can You Quit Smoking?

Quitting smoking can be very difficult, but not unmanageable. Intense desire and need for a cigarette usually passes quickly. It is only necessary to have enough will and resist those short-term desires. If you do succeed, you're halfway to leave smoking.

  • Nicotine-replacement therapy

In the process of quitting smoking,you may try nicotine replacement therapy to help you get through the craving. It involves the use of nicotine in another form, for example, in the form of chewing gum, pills or patches. Withdrawal of nicotine from the body can cause a feeling of anxiety, depression, restlessness, irritability. Replacementtherapy can double the chances to quit smoking.

  • Prescription pills

Your doctor may prescribe you pills for quitting smoking that does not contain nicotine. They affect the chemicals in the brain and make smoking a less satisfaction or they may cause a decrease of depression and improve concentration.

  • Get some help

Seek help and support from friends, relatives and household members. Join a support group, find a counselor or start behavioral therapy. It can help you find the right strategy for quitting smoking.When you have the support, it will be easier to fight the crisis.

  • Avoid triggers

Many smokers have their rituals. They cannot imagine coffee without a cigarette or like to light a cigarette while they drink alcohol or after a meal. Try to avoid activities that raise the desire for a cigarette or replace them with aless harmful one.

  • Try a proper diet

Proper nutrition can help you quit smoking. Consuming more fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products which may affect the taste of cigarettes and make them less pleasant.

For more information about the side effects of smoking, you may watch the video below: 

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