Wasp Sting Treatment

A wasp sting can be incredibly painful. Although when you are stung by a wasp, you will notice immediate pain, it is usually harmless and you don’t have to worry about what to do with a wasp sting. However, keep in mind that if you don’t treat a wasp sting, you may develop an infection. Because of this, you should properly apply wasp sting treatment as soon as you can.

Guidelines for Wasp Sting Treatment

Most of the time, you won’t need more wasp sting treatments thanwhat you can find at home with a first-aid kitif not allergic. You will be able to use insect repellent and protective clothing to avoid future stings.

If you are stung, do the following:

  • Take out the stingers right away. A credit card can help you scrape it out.
  • Get mild relief with ice. Apply it twenty minutes each hour as you need, but remember to wrap it in a cloth or towel before putting it on the skin to prevent freezing your skin.
  • Take Benadryl (diphenhydramine) or another antihistamine. Claritin (loratadine) is non-sedating and can help relieve an itchy wasp sting.
  • You can get pain relief from acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin).
  • Wash the site of the sting using soap and water before applying antibiotic ointment.
  • If you haven’t had a tetanus booster in over ten years, have one within a few days.

That is the only medical treatment required for most insect bites, including wasp stings. Also keep the following advice in mind.

  • Depending on the location of the sting, seek medical attention. If you are stung in a sensitive area, like the eye or mouth, you should get medical attention right away. Oral wasp stings will usually require treatment as swelling may prevent you from breathing properly. Most of the time, stings in other areas won’t need immediate treatment.
  • Pay attention for warning signs of allergies. These include severe swelling, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, fainting, wheezing, breathing difficulties, chest or throat tightness, or swelling on the lips, tongue, or face. If you are stung and know you are allergic, get immediate medical attention.
  • Make sure there are no signs of infection. Some people will experience infection even if they care for their sting properly. When a skin rash or severe swelling lasts for more than three days or gets worse, you should seek medical care.

The video below gives clearer instructions for treating wasp stings: 

At Home Wasp Sting Treatments

Wasp stings are typically painful and can be fairly scary depending on whether or not you’ve had a sting in the past. The good news is that most of the time, people who are not allergic to wasps will be able to treat the sting at home, although you will still need to take steps to prevent infection.

  • Baking soda: You can mix baking soda and a bit of water to create a paste. Apply this paste to the sting site to ease irritation. You can also secure a small dressing to keep the paste in place. It is especially useful at night as the warmth associated with being in bed can worsen skin irritation.
  • Meat tenderizer: Mixing a paste from meat tenderizer and water is also a popular wasp sting treatment as the papain found in the tenderizer works to break down the proteins within the wasp venom. You should apply the paste before keeping it in place using a small dressing.
  • Pure aloe vera gel: Pure aloe vera gel will naturally soothe and cool the site of the sting. This treatment doesn’t have any harsh medications, additives, or chemicals.
  • Mud: Applying mud to the sting is a treatment from the American Indians. This will draw the venom from the skin in a way similar to how a clay mask takes impurities out of facial skin. You simply need to get a bit of mud from your garden and leave it for ten to fifteen minutes so it completely dries.

How to Deal With Allergic Reaction to Wasp Sting

1. Contact Emergency Services

You should seek emergency medical care if the person stung by the wasp either has a history of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions) or shows any of these symptoms of it:

  • loss of consciousness
  • dizziness or anxiety
  • fast pulse or heartbeat
  • vomiting, abdominal pain or nausea
  • trouble speaking or hoarseness
  • tightness of the throat
  • feeling of closing airways
  • wheezing or difficulty breathing
  • skin which severely turns red, swells, tingles, or itches

2. Immediately Inject Epinephrine

If you (or the person stung) has an emergency plan of action for anaphylaxis from their doctor, you should always follow it. If you have an epinephrine shot on hand, do the following:

  • If the person can’t inject their own epinephrine, do it for them. If they have an anaphylactic history, inject the epinephrine without waiting for signs of severe reaction. Remember to follow all patient instructions with care.
  • Never inject it in buttock muscles, veins, feet, or hands; instead inject it in the outer thigh muscles.
  • If there are no signs of improvement, you can inject an adult again in 10 to 20 minutes or a child again in five to thirty minutes. Always visit the ER following an epinephrine injection, including when the symptoms disappear.

3. Do CPR and Observe

If the person stung stops breathing, perform CPR, using the appropriate method for their age (as CPR for adults and children and have slightly different procedures). Afterwards, don’t let the person who had the allergic reaction be alone for a full twenty-four hours in case a second attack occurs. Also be sure the doctor is notified of the reaction so he can plan appropriately and ensure everything is alright and the wasp sting treatment was successful.

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