Vision Problems

Vision problems come in many different types. Something as simple as an eye exam could give you longer life. According to researchers, good vision is important as it helps you live independently, manage money and shop among other daily activities. When you are independent, you will live longer.

Types of Vision Problems and Their Symptoms

Here are the various types of vision problems and the symptoms accompanied by each:

  • Nearsightedness (myopic): This refers to blurred vision that gets worse when you stare at objects that are at a far off distance. People who are nearsighted may have wonderful near vision.
  • Farsightedness (hyperopic): This refers to blurred vision that appears when you are staring at objects that are near your eyes.
  • Astigmatism: This refers to blurry vision that occurs at any distance. It corresponds with finding of other vision-related problems.
  • Retinal detachment: This refers to a combination of dark floating spots on abrupt onset of a flash light. It can come accompanied by a dark veil or curtain sensation that blocks part of your vision.
  • Color blindness: This refers to the difficulty in distinguishing intensity or shades of color. Eye problems related to color vision usually go undetected until testing is done. It is mainly found in males.
  • Night blindness: This refers to the difficulty in distinguishing objects when you are in a dimly lit environment.
  • Cataracts: Since Cataracts develop gradually, the first symptom may be finding it hard to pass a vision test. Symptoms include hazy vision that worsens in bright light, weak vision at night, uncomfortable or blinding glare from bright light, need for brighter light to read, triple or double vision, the dark pupil gets an opaque or milky white appearance and pressure and painful inflammation within the eye (advanced case).
  • Strabismus: This refers to a condition where the eyes are not coordinated when moving or they may be crossed inwards or outwards. In young children, you may notice that they frequently rub the affected eye (if one) and they may also tilt, close an eye or squint to clearly see things.
  • Amblyopia: This refers to loss of vision in the eye that has crossed outwards or inwards or being blocked from proper vision by droopy eyelids.
  • Glaucoma: The symptoms associated with this eye problem depend on the type of glaucoma the patient has. They include chronic open-angle glaucoma, acute glaucoma, secondary glaucoma and congenital glaucoma.
  • Macular degeneration: Symptoms include distorted or dim vision when reading, painless but gradual loss of your central vision and development of blank spots in your central vision field.
  • Presbyopia: This is a medical term used to refer to aging eyes. In this condition, the eye lens gradually loses flexibility, and this makes it hard for the victim to focus clearly. More on objects that are close, for example, printed words. On the other hand, distant vision is never affected. Unfortunately, this condition is a part of old age, and there is no way of preventing it regardless of whether you change your diet, visual habits or lifestyle. It is, however, treatable using a number of corrective lenses. Some of them include monovision therapy, multifocal contact lenses, single-vision reading glasses, progressives, trifocals and bifocals.

Check out this video for more information on common vision problems and the different professionals who can manage them:

When to Seek Medical Help

You need to seek medical advice from your eye doctor if:

You experience complete or partial blindness in both or one eye, even if the blindness is temporary.

• You have double vision even if temporarily.

• You feel like there is a shade being pulled over your eyes.

• Have halos near light, blind spots or some areas that have sudden distorted vision.

• Your vision is suddenly blurring accompanied by eye pain, more so if that area is red. This is a medical emergency.

Here are some signs that indicate that you need to make an appointment to have a complete medical checkup:

• You have trouble seeing objects from either or both eyes.

• You find it hard to see in darkness.

• Your vision’s sharpness is disappearing gradually.

• You find it difficult to differentiate colors.

• You have blurry vision when you try to view things that are near you.

• You have a family history of diabetes, or you have diabetes.

• Eye discharge or itching.

• Vision changes caused by some medication.

How to Protect Your Eyes from Vision Problems

The following six ways will help you keep your eyes safe from vision problems as you perform your day-to-day tasks:

  • Pay attention to your diet. Eat foods rich in Vitamins A, C and E, lutein, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and antioxidants. Your diet should also consist of vitamin supplements, fish, green leafy vegetables and fruits. You should also maintain a healthy weight to avoid diabetes that also causes vision problems.
  • Avoid cigarettes. According to research, quitting smoking reduces your risk of getting degenerative eye conditions.
  • Wear hats with wide-brims and UV-absorbing glasses. These glasses should block 100% UV light, and wide brimmed hats help your vision in bright light.
  • Routine eye checkup. Your eye doctor will tell how regular you need eye checkup. Various factors will be used to determine the frequency of the checkup such as your age, family history, health and if you wear glasses.
  • Clean contact lenses and replace according to recommendation. Make sure that you follow the instructions given on cleaning your lenses. Also, ensure that you have followed all disinfection and care instructions for the contact lenses.
  • Prevent injuries. Wear safety glasses of goggles when you are playing sports or performing a task such as lawn mowing. That way, you will have protected your eyes from potential damage from those tasks.
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