Sharp Pain in Cervix

It is true that fetal movement is a sign that everything is going well, but it may sometimes be quite distracting, disconcerting, and even painful. Under normal circumstances, you should not feel any sharp pain in cervix, abdomen, or ribcage due to fetal movement inside the uterus. You shouldn't be worrying too much about slight discomfort though, but it is a good idea to go see your doctor if the pain is severe and shows other symptoms as well.

Is It Normal to Have Sharp Pain in Cervix?

It is common for some women to feel 35 weeks pregnant sharp pains in cervix. It is normal to feel such pain occasionally during late pregnancy, which is usually an indicator that your cervix has started dilating. This may happen days, weeks, or sometimes hours before your labor begins. You need to inform your doctor about your condition, especially if you're experiencing severe pain in your lower abdomen and also noticing vaginal bleeding.

It is also quite obvious to feel 36 weeks pregnant sharp painsbecause your baby has grown enough to feel confined inside your uterus. In this case, even a light fetal movement will cause discomfort. This may also accompany with an occasional sharp jab you usually experience in your abdomen, ribcage, or cervix.

What mums say

The experience may be different for different women. Here's a bit more about what mums say about feeling sharp pain in cervix.

I am 30 weeks now and experience this situation quite often. When I asked my doctor, I came to know that it has something to do with my femoral nerve/ligament, attached directly to my uterus. The weight of the baby puts pressure on it and I feel pain. The pain I have is in my upper right calf and sometimes even travels to my upper right foot. It sometimes even feels like a bruise, and I have just started noticing swelling due to this issue.

I am 33 weeks, and experience a sharp pain in the middle of my pubic bone. The pain is persistent for the last couple of weeks or so. My doctor said the joint between two bones around my pubic region is stretching. He says my body is getting ready for labor, but from the last night, I don't find the pain as stabbing as it originally was. The pain was still there, and my doctor confirmed that it's only going to get worse until I deliver. I'm just hoping it won't make my labor that painful because I don't want to use any drugs during the process.

I am 36 weeks pregnant and it was all fine until today. This morning, I felt sharp, stabbing pains in my cervix. I never felt anything like this before during my pregnancy. It becomes worse when I'm standing or walking – or when the baby moves. I am going to see my doctor today to find a way to resolve the issue!

I am 38 1/2 weeks pregnant and feel serious pain when I'm lying in my bed or even sitting for some time. It feels as if the baby is going to burst my vagina. The pain sometimes becomes so intense that it feels like my water would break any minute. On other occasions, I don't feel it that discomforting and the pressure goes away for a while only to come back and hit me with intense pressure. I am already 70% effaced and dilated 2cm, and my doctors are of the view that I may not be able to make it to the due date. Well, I, too, want it over as soon as possible.

How Your Cervix Changes During Pregnancy

At the lower end of your cervix is your uterus. The cervix stays firmly closed to protect your growing fetus, but it will start thinning gradually and open up by the due date to make it possible for your baby to come out of your uterus. Your cervix however keeps changing during your pregnancy. For instance:

Cervix Ripens: The softening of your cervix is called the ripening of the cervix. At this stage, it starts preparing itself to open up in the near future, but this increased flexibility may cause discomfort and some women even feel sharp pain in cervix. The pain can be severe at times, but is not a sign of labor.

Cervix Thins and Shortens: After ripening, the cervix starts thinning. It becomes shorter during pre-labor – the normal thickness is 2-4cm, but it needs to be paper-thin before your labor starts. Sometimes, the cervix is un-effaced and shows no ripening at all – it usually feels thick to touch. When it is fully effaced, it is paper-thin and usually absorbs itself into your uterine wall.

Cervix Opens: During the last stage and close to the end of your pregnancy, your cervix starts opening up a little. A completely open cervix may be about the width of a baby's head – it's somewhere close to 10cm.

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