Muscle Pain in Arm

image001Arm pain is defined as any kind of uneasiness or pain experienced in the area between the wrist joint and the shoulder joint. Many people suffer from such pain, no matter how old they are. In most situations, the pain last for a short time. However, injuries or infections may cause serious symptoms. Treatments for muscle pain in arm should depend on the causes.

Causes and Remedies of Muscle Pain in Arm

Descriptions of possible causes of muscle pain in arm along with their treatment options, are as follows:


Injuries resulting from a broken bone, torn or pulled muscle, dislocated elbow, or growth plate fracture are all leading causes of arm pain.

Consulting a doctor when a trauma is experienced is the ideal way of dealing with it so as to prevent any long-lasting injury or pain.

Muscle Tension

A hard workout or extreme physical exertion can result in muscle tension.

Apply ice over areas where the muscle is tense, as this helps in lowering the flow of blood to the affected area. Make sure that the muscle tension has healed properly before starting the normal day-to-day work.

Pinched Nerves

When the nerves present in the back or spinal area are squeezed, it leads to a pinched nerve which can then result in an arm spasm.

A brace or splint should be used to immobilize this area with the occasional application of heat bags or ice cubes on the pinched nerves.

Bicipital Tendinitis

When the long head of the tendon of the biceps are inflamed, it results in the condition known as bicipital tendinitis; the injury is accompanied by swelling and pain in the shoulder region.

A physical therapy session carried out for 10-15 minutes daily can alleviate the pain.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When the median nerve running into the palm of the hand from the forearm is pressed, it can result in carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel causes numbness, pain, and/or weakness in the hand that often extends through the entire arm.

Initial treatment of the condition often includes rest, immobilization of wrist with the help of a splint, and frequent application of ice.

Cervical Disc Herniation

Presence of a herniated disc in the neck can lead not only to neck pain, but is often also the underlying cause behind arm pain.

The condition can only be treated through medications and non-surgical treatments.

Heart Attack

A malfunctioning heart can lead to severe pain in the right arm as part of a heart attack.

Although the attack needs an emergency treatment, corrective measures post-heart attack can go a long way in preventing future arm pain.

Other Remedies for Muscle Pain in Arm

Remove Decorations

Watches, bracelets, or any other kind of jewelry should be immediately removed from the hand and arm as soon as a pain starts to develop in this region; this prevents the jewelry from getting stuck in the inflamed area which can otherwise compress nerves and restrict blood flow.

Elevate Arm

It is recommended that the injured arm is elevated during or after applying ice. This helps in keeping the arm above the heart’s level which aids in the reduction of swelling.

Quit Smoking

Smoking blocks the healing process by decreasing blood flow to the affected region. It also causes a delay in tissue repair.

Take Medications

  • Acetaminophen. Acetaminophen treats the pain resulting from inflammation.
  • Aspirin. Aspirin has the tendency to deliver relief from inflammatory pain; even a low dose of the medication can help in preventing blood clots.
  • Precautions. When using the above non-prescription drugs, make sure to follow the directions and recommended dosage. If taking either medication for an extended period of time (typically, more than two weeks), consult your doctor. In case of any allergic reaction, consult a doctor immediately.

When to See a Doctor

If these symptoms occur with arm pain, they may be signs of a life-threatening or a serious condition. In this case, you need to seek the advice of a doctor or have yourself evaluated in an emergency setting.

  • Deformity in the arm
  • Passing out or becoming unresponsive on account of the change in the level of alertness
  • A bluish color can be seen on the fingernails or lips
  • A chest pain that radiates to shoulder, left arm, jaw, or neck
  • Abrupt behavioral or mental changes accompanied by delirium, confusion, delusions, hallucinations, or lethargy
  • Hearing a cracking sound when the arm is injured
  • More than 101 degrees of fever on the Fahrenheit scale
  • Presence of red streaks on the edges of a lump or tender sore
  • It becomes difficult to use arm for day to day activities
  • Breathing or respiratory issues like short-breath, wheezing, choking, or labored breathing
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