Lipozene Side Effects

Lipozene is a herbal supplement that helps fight obesity manufactured by the Obesity Research I. It contains a vegetable fiber, glucomannan, extracted from the konjac plant also called elephant yam. It works by releasing an indigestible gel when mixed with water to give you a feeling of being full. However, it does have some side effects, so it’s important to take precautions carefully.

How Does Lipozene Work?

Lipozene acts a natural supplement to aid in weight loss. This is a solution to for many people with weight management issues.



Lipozene has a chemical composition that makes it easy to absorb in the stomach. It is made from the water soluble glucommannan-from the Konjac root. This is a natural plant grown in Japan, Asia. Although it is made up of 30 % fiber, over consumption of Lipozene causes stomach upsets, nausea, diarrhea and gas.


The supplement is often taken before meals to fill up the stomach. This happens because of its high absorption rate which can take up to 200 times the normal amount of water. This means it should be taken in small doses. Its chemical properties interact with the cholesterols and bile acids in the stomach before it is deposited into the bowels. Health concerns raised about this process is that when binding food in the stomach, the body might lose other crucial nutrients as the mixture is eliminated from the body.

Lipozene Side Effects

Lipozene is often believed to treat high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, constipation and obesity. As a result, it is advisable that anyone contemplating taking the supplement consult a doctor first.

Like other fiber supplements Lipozene is bound to cause digestion side effects. Among the notable reactions is stomach bloating and gas.

Difficulty swallowing

The fact that the supplement works by absorbing water means that it can block the gut. The feeling is worse for people who have a narrow esophagus. This is quite risky, and it can block the intestines too. In some states like Australia, the supplement has been banned due to this danger.

Changes in blood pressure

Diabetics are advised to take Lipozenes and glucomannan products on the doctors advise because the active ingredient in Lipozene (glucomannan) has the ability to effect changes in the blood glucose levels. It does this causing the loss of blood sugars, which is risky for diabetics.

Severe diarrhea

Lipozene acts as a laxative meant to provide relief from constipation, but its prolonged usage could cause severe diarrhea. An increase in fiber intake should solve this problem, but there have been reports on eMedTV that the diarrhea could be severe and lasts for a long time.

Stomach pain

There is a possibility of Lipozene fermentation if the high fiber ingredient mixes with the bacteria in the stomach. As a result, it could cause bloating of the stomach due to gas production. The effect is abdominal pains and cramping.

It is advisable that such supplements be in the form of a capsule for the stomach to digest easily.

Allergic reaction

EMedTV reports certain allergic reactions from Lipozene use and advises immediate medical attention. Some of the symptoms of Lipozene allergic reactions include itching, wheezing, skin rashes, swelling of the face and throat, as well as breathing complications.

Precautions for Taking Lipozene

If you plan to use any weight loss product or dietary supplement in your diet, research well on the products. Although there have been no court rulings against the Lipozene product by the Obesity Research Institute, LLC which is the main manufacturer. The company has numerous legal disputes because of its products. Many Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rulings are against the firm for fraudulent claims about certain weight loss products that they produce.


When administering dosage, it is crucial to note that Lipozene amounts should be taken depending on the user. The capsules should be taken with large amounts of water. The supplement’s dose varies from different individual need. People who want to lose more weight can take up to 2 capsules half an hour prior to meal times. This should be done three times in a day. To ensure best results, there is a recommended limit by the manufacturers. Intake should not exceed 6 capsules in a single day.


Lipozene is a fiber supplement that stays in the digestive system hence should not affect breastfeeding. It is safe for mothers at this stage because it does not pose major risks. The only worry is that breastfeeding mothers are in need of more calories for the lactating period hence should not be losing weight. In this case, it is advisable to obtain medical advice from the doctors.


This is not the ideal supplement for expectant mothers because, during pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid any drug supplements unless recommended by a doctor. Although the Lipozene components are natural and safe to take, its intake does not offer concrete benefits for the pregnancy’s development. This is a weight loss herb that is not necessary during pregnancy.

Interaction with other drugs

When different drugs are taken drug interactions can occur. This has a negative influence on diabetics hence proper medical consultation is required before using this supplement. Oral medication and blood sugar drugs do not work well with Lipozene. This is because the supplement may lower blood sugar when the opposite is required in your body. In such a situation, it might be necessary to readjust the Lipozene dose or to stop its use. The fiber also delays absorption of other medication in the blood. Do talk to your healthcare provider about possible interactions.

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