How to Get Over Depression

Depression is a state of mind which leaves you feeling sad, upset and cynical. You end up feeling stuck in a situation or space, where nothing could make you feel better. Depression is quite common and easily treatable, but it is devious in the sense that it keeps you away from doing things which would make you start feeling better.

A person ends up with low self-esteem, no excitement and energy and thus feels furthermore depressed. One should treat depression like any other physical disorder and aim to correct it. The treatment will help in getting back to the proper mental state and out of depression.

How to Get Over Depression

1. Connect With Your Emotional Side

Every day we go through a rollercoaster ride of emotions. We might be bright and cheery one day and the very next day we might feel like we were run over by a bulldozer. Most of the days, we are somewhere in between these feelings. If we introspect we will be able to identify the pattern of these emotions and the next time we feel low, it will be easier to remind that it is just a phase. The knowledge that something is temporary will make it easier to survive and get through.

2. Look for Positivity

Our state of mind depends on the type of thoughts we have, which in turn depends a lot on the type of people around us. If we are surrounded by people who are negative and cynical, it tends to make us have the same thought process. We have to ensure that we consciously look for positive people and share their thought process, understand how they view the world. It will tend to rub off a little and bring positivity.

3. Change Your Environment

When a person is depressed, they tend to start associating their mood with the things around them. It becomes easy to associate problems with things around us, and they become constant reminders of things that are bothering us. Making small changes at home or work place, like changing the seating arrangement, adding memorabilia, putting up more lights can make a lot of difference. No radical changes are required, just small adjustments and the mood can change.

4. Get Sufficient Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is very essential for the body and mind. It helps in keeping you refreshed. Do not have alcohol or caffeine before bed, and you may take a warm bath to relax the body. Switch off all the lights and television around the bed. Do not engage yourself in activities like stressful work or high energy workout. To sleep well you need to have a tired body and a quiet mind.

5. Engage in Social Activities

Keeping yourself engaged with people around you will help in getting over the feeling of depression. Going for movies, art-galleries, museums, meals or even coffee will help in socializing and forgetting your problems. Keep connected with close family and friends in the real world, not online. They tend to act as a support system when you need them and it is good to keep away feeling of isolation. It is not necessary to share your plight, but just get involved in having fun.

6. Go Hiking

Exercise is very good for the mental health as it is responsible for releasing endorphins, which makes you feel good. Walking, strolling and biking are all good for you. Going on hikes to places you have never been to before keeps your mind occupied and gets you out of the feeling of being trapped. Looking at the nature – sky, trees, birds and flowers – gives different perspective and also gives a feeling of joy and relaxation. It might feel silly, but just try hugging a tree; you might feel like all your sorrows are dissolving away.

7. Relax with a Massage

Massage to pamper yourself relaxes your body and your mind and also gives you something to look forward to. If you cannot afford them, turn to your friends or family. Even a basic massage without special skills is helpful and relaxing. If you plan on getting deep massages like shiatsu or Rolfing, you should get them from someone who has experience with clients having depression, as these techniques can bring out emotional feelings.

8. Pen Down Your Thoughts

Penning down your feelings helps in creating an outlet. You can send emails (to yourself) where you just speak out everything that bothers you. The feeling of talking to someone without being judged helps in getting a little distance. Drawing, doodling or scribbling is also very helpful to get your emotions out. You can use a lot of colors and you need not be good at it, it is just an outlet for you to express your feelings and emotions.

9. Communicate With Friends

You can choose which friends you would like to talk to. You can tell them to just listen to you and not give any input or advice unless you ask for it. Since most of the friends would want to make you feel better, they will tend to start giving advice, and you can ask them not to. Sometimes not talking, just being together can go a long way. Knowing and feeling their presence can help a lot and get you out of the feeling of isolation.

10. Watch a Funny TV Show or Movie

You can trick your brain into feeling happy by watching anything that makes you feel happy or makes you laugh. It seems too simple and silly, but this actually makes the brain believe you are happy. You can watch a funny movie, catch your favorite sitcom or even read a funny book. You can repeatedly do this activity to remind your brain that you feel good.

11. Eat Healthy

Depression can alter your food habits, by making you over-eat comfort foods or even avoid food. This can affect your health and your mood. There is no magic diet to fix depression, but making conscious effort to watch what you eat is a good idea. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like Salmon and Tuna and foods with folic acid like spinach and avocado are said to be helpful in relieving depression.

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