How to Get Fair Hands

Wrinkled hands can be caused by exposure to the sun, using harsh soaps and detergents, severe weather as well as dehydration. Besides having your hands looking old, the feet can also be affected. Some simple home remedies, including hand care and homemade mixtures, can help you get fair hands.


How to Get Fair Hands

If your hands are wrinkled and you are wondering what to do, here is a guide on how to go about turning the clock back and having fairer skin on your hands. With the steps below, you will be able to keep your hands looking youthful.

1. Hand Care Routine


  • Moisturizing

Keeping your hands constantly moisturized will surely give you that younger look that you so long to have. You should even do it immediately after taking a shower or after you wash your hands. This is because the moisturizer helps your hands trap moisture and giving you fairer hands.

You should also be cautious when choosing the type of lotions to use on your skin. It is advisable that you go for lotions that do not have irritants. In case you have no idea what to buy, you could try making your own mixture at home. Two thirds a cup of rosewater and a third cup of glycerin are a great mixture for moisturizer. Once it is ready, give it a good shake and store in a cool dry place to use as desired.

  • Sunscreen

It is a fact that the skin on your hands is as thin as that of the face. Therefore, it is likely to show photo damage as well as tan in case it is exposed to the sun just as the face would. For this reason, it is advisable to apply sunscreen regularly. Wearing a pair of gloves while driving is also a great idea. It helps protect your hands from ultra violet sun rays.

  • Petroleum Jelly

This is another inexpensive way of having smoother hands. All you have to do is apply petroleum jelly before going to bed and cover your hands with a pair of cotton gloves. Upon waking up, your hands should look shiny and feel smooth.

  • Exfoliation

Dermatologists say it is helpful to exfoliate the skin for a fairer look. This is removing dead skin from your feet and hands. You can successfully scrub your hands using salt and lemons. This is because lemons are used as cleaners or bleaches and are quite effective at getting rid of any dead skin on the body.

2. Sea Salt and Olive Oil


  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt


  • Add about 2 tablespoonfuls of sea salt to your bowl then 4 tablespoonfuls of olive oil.
  • Rub your hands as if you are washing them in the mixture.
  • Wash your hands with water and use some soap to get rid of the oil.
  • Pat them dry and add some lotion if you wish.

For more details see video on

3. Lemon and Glycerin


  • Glycerin
  • Lemon juice


  • Use about a tablespoonful of lemon juice and glycerin and mix them all together.
  • Apply the solution on your hands and leave for about 15 minutes.
  • Rinse off the solution

You could learn more about the lemon and glycerin hand pack by watching the video on

4. Baby Oil and Sugar


With Jonson’s baby oil and sugar solution, it’s time to leave behind the old skin and welcome the new fairer skin. All you have to do is pour 3 tablespoon of Jonson’s baby oil in a bowl then add 2 tablespoon of sugar. Stir the mixture well and apply on your hands. This is the best tan removal solution.

5. Oats and Lemon



  • 1 tablespoonful of oats (cooked and mashed)
  • A tablespoonful of lemon juice


  • Mix the ingredients and apply the solution on your hands. If you have a sensitive skin, you can dilute the lemon juice with some water before mixing with oats.
  • After the application, wash your hands and dry them. This will surely give you the fair hands that you have always wanted.

6. Turmeric and Lemon



  • Lemon juice
  • Turmeric
  • Milk
  • Gram flour


  • Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture evenly on your hands.
  • Scrub the paste gently for about 5 minutes then let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Once it has dried, rinse it off and feel the difference.

7. Milk, Honey and Lemon Juice



  • Honey
  • Milk
  • Lemon juice


  • Use a tablespoonful milk, honey and lemon juice and mix them all together.
  • Apply the solution on your clean hands and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse off.

8. Honey, Curd and Tomato



  • Curd
  • Honey
  • Tomato
  • Rosewater
  • Lemon juice


  • Mix all the ingredients together.
  • Apply the mixture on your hands and allow them to dry for about 30 minutes.
  • Massage the mixture on your hands for 2 minutes before washing.
  • After which, you can rinse off. This leaves your hands looking lovely and feeling softer.
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