Home Remedies for Acne

image001Acne is a skin condition that causes skin eruptions on the face, back, chest and scalp areas. This condition can appear anytime during the life span, but is most common in teens and young adults. Factors that contribute to acne include poor eating habits, stress, lack of sleep and certain lifestyle. Acne has no one cure, but there are many easy home remedies that can help reduce the appearance of acne and even possibly prevent it from happening.

8 Natural Remedies for Acne

Clear skin is an important sign of good health and boosts our self-esteem. People who suffer from acne will often spend large amounts of money on commercial products that simply do not work. Using the following home remedies can spare your wallet and improve the look of your skin conveniently from you own kitchen:

1. Tomato

image002Tomato has a host of good substances that can improve skin condition and relieve acne. They are highly acidic to dry up acne quickly and also rich in the vitamins A, C, K and lycopene, which help nourish the skin. To use tomato, just cut one in half and rub directly on the skin. If you wish to use tomato for a healthy face mask, just crush them up and apply to the skin. You do this as often as you like.

2. Cinnamon

The essential oils that come from the actual bark of the cinnamon have anti-inflammatory action for the skin and can prevent clotting. Make a paste with cinnamon and honey, apply like a mask and wash off to help heal the skin from damage caused by acne.

3. Potato

image003Vitamin C is important for collagen production in the body. This helps the skin form healthy new cells, protects against damage from the sun, environmental factors and increased stress levels. Surprisingly, potatoes contain 70% of your needed daily vitamin C allowance. They also contain vitamin B, which also helps promote healthy skin growth and healthy production of DNA. Potatoes are high in niacin that can actually fade the appearance of acne. To use a potato, shred it raw and apply to the skin. It will actually deep down into the skin and nourish it, while making the appearance of skin brighter, lighter and assist with the prevention of wrinkles.

4. Olive Oil

When you think of acne, you really wouldn’t consider using something oily if you have oily skin. But quite the contrary, olive oil can help to rejuvenate and improve your skin tone. Mix a little olive oil with some salt and apply to the skin then rinse off with warm water.

5. Lemon Juice

image004The acids in the lemon juice act as a natural skin toner. Lemon juice can harden sebum and clean dirt from deep within the pores of the skin. Cut a lemon in half and rub on the skin. You can leave the juice to dry for up to a few hours then rinse off with warm and clean water. For an added boost, mix half lemon juice with half rose water and use to wash your face.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can detoxify the skin and balance the PH. This natural “skin toner” contains lactic and malic acids that can exfoliate the skin and make it softer. This natural toner can be used on any part of the body for smoother skin. Use water to dilute the vinegar and use wherever needed.

7. Honey

image005Honey is both a moisturizer and has antiseptic properties. You can apply honey full strength directly to the skin for one-half hour then wash off. Using full strength honey can almost eliminate acne within days. Honey can also be made into a mask with equal amounts of nutmeg and applied to the skin for one-half hour then rinse. In order to close pores properly, rinse honey off with warm water then give your skin a cool water splash. This mask can almost completely eliminate acne issues quickly.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has medicinal properties that reduce acne and heal the scarring very quickly. If you apply the juice of a broken aloe vera leaf or use the aloe vera gel sold in drugstores, you will notice a reduction in acne symptoms within days.

4 Types of OTC Products for Acne

If you suffer from acne, you may find the amount of over-the-counter products overwhelming at first. It is important to understand the ingredients and how they work before choosing the product that is right for you. Let’s take an in-depth look at OTC acne product ingredients:

1. Benzoyl Peroxide


This ingredient is helpful in drying up excessive skin oils, unclogging pores and killing acne causing bacteria on the skin. This ingredient comes in both over-the-counter and prescription strengths, ranging from 2.5 to 10 mg. It is important to use benzoyl peroxide with caution. Side effects can include excessive skin dryness, redness, burning and scaling. Since it is peroxide, it can bleach out the color from hair and clothing. One product with this ingredient is Ole Henrikson Roll-On Blemish Attack that also contains zinc and oil-drying clay.

2. Salicylic Acid


Our cells naturally shed themselves and sometimes get stuck in the hair follicles causing clogged pores. Salicylic acid can slow this process and help to keep pores clear. You can find salicylic acid in strengths from 0.5 to 2%. Use with caution, for side effects include irritation of the skin and stinging. Try Wet n’ Wild Acne Spot Treatment that also contains tea tree oil (antiseptic) and green tea.

3. Alpha Hydroxy Acid


The alpha hydroxyl acids, lactic acid and glycolic acid help skin to slough off dead skin cells and regenerate healthy new skin cells. They can also reduce inflammation levels in the skin and reduce scarring from acne. They were once derived from citrus fruits, but most of these are now synthetic versions. Try Peter Thomas Roth Glycolic Acid 10% Moisturizer which also contains whole leaf aloe vera.

4. Sulfur


Sulfur is effective in removing excessive skin oils and dead skin cells. Sulfur is most often used mixed with other ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol or salicylic acid to boost their properties. Side effects of using sulfur include sulfur odor and overly dry skin. Try Mario Bedescu Buffering Lotion.

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