Why Do You Get Dizzy When Bending Over?

It happens to everyone. You get up suddenly and all of a sudden you feel dizzy and lightheaded when bending over. You wonder what could be wrong and in most cases we can suddenly chalk it up to not eating, low blood sugar, or just tired. But it can happen at other times to like when you are in the shower. While it is a common occurrence it could be serious. What causes this random dizziness?

Possible Causes of Dizzy When Bending Over

Even though it is common to get dizzy if you change positions quickly,most of the time it is nothing at all.However, in some cases it can actually signal a condition that might need attention.

1. Dehydration

When you are in a bending position the fluids can be accumulating in the lower part of your body, so when you stand up suddenly it could throw you off balance. You can check to see if you are dehydrated by checking to see if you are urinating a couple of time each day and your urine is clear. If it is not clear you may be dehydrated.

2. Inner Ear Related Problems

We may take our sense of balance for granted until we become off balance. Several of your senses are responsible for keeping you on solid ground.

  • Your eyes are constantly showing you where to go as you are moving.
  • The inner ear is what helps you to sense the back and forth motion as well as get a grip on gravity.
  • Messages to your brain are the job of your sensory nerves as they alert it to your different positions and movements of your body.

An inner ear problem that makes you feel like everything around you is spinning around when it isn’t is called vertigo. When your brain can’t decipher the signals it is getting from your inner ear it is confused and you are experiencing vertigo.

Additional conditions that could be the cause of making you dizzy when bending over, or vertigo, include a viral infection, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV, migraine headaches, or Meniere’s disease. All of these conditions are described below.



Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

This is the type of vertigo that is more common. It creates a brief but intense feeling that you are spinning around rapidly.


An infection in the vestibular nerve that can result in a constant case of vertigo. Coupled with a loss of hearing, it could end up being labyrinthitis.

Meniere's disease

This is a condition that occurs when an extreme amount of fluids settle in the inner ear. Besides vertigo your ears could ring, they may feel plugged, and you may even experience a loss of hearing.


When you have a migraine you can experience the same type of dizziness that vertigo can cause. Those who experience migraines regularly can feel this dizzy feeling even if they are not suffering from a headache at the time.

3. Circulation Problems

You could be experiencing dizziness because of circulation problems. Any of the following could make you feel like you may faint or you are off balance because your brain is not getting enough blood from your heart.

A sudden drop in your systolic blood pressure can cause you to feel faint or light headed. When you experience this after getting up too fast after sitting it is called orthostatic hypotension.

If you have poor blood circulation or other conditions such as a heart attack, cardiomyopathy, heart arrhythmia, or a transient ischemic attack, it could result in this kind of dizziness.

4. Stress

If your dizziness is not from a diagnosed condition you might want to check your stress level. It is the main cause of dizziness other than a medical condition. When someone is stressed they start to breathe shallowly and take short breaths which cause the arteries in their body to contract causing less blood flow to the brain. In addition to feeling dizzy your toes and fingers may feel numb as well.

5. Skipping Meals

If you skip a meal here or there that’s one thing but if you are stressed and missing meals because you are too busy you are letting your blood sugar levels plunge causing you to feel lightheaded and possibly shaky and dizzy when bending over. Eating protein will keep you feeling full longer and it keeps your blood sugar levels on an even keel.

6. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes have an effect on the inner ear which seems to follow the way that estrogen ebbs and flows in the body. This happens to women who are premenopausal, pregnant, or even those having their regular menstrual cycle. Eating more regularly and drinking plenty of fluids will keep you from becoming dehydrated or having your blood sugar levels dip too low.

7. Anemia

Anemia affects around 20% of women who have not reached menopause yet. It occurs because of the lowered hemoglobin count which could signal a deficiency in iron. You could feel lightheaded because not enough oxygen is able to get to the brain. Iron supplements can help to ward off this problem.

8. Thyroid Disease

Hypothyroidism is a condition of the thyroid that causes fluctuations which affect the inner ear causing you to feel dizzy. Getting the right medication from your physician can help to correct this problem, put your thyroid back on track, and prevent you from feeling dizzy because of it.

9. Drug Reactions

All drugs have their side effects and one of them in many prescriptions can be dizziness. Many of the medications that can cause you to feel dizzy include prescriptions for anxiety, blood pressure, decongestants, antihistamines, and sedatives. Let your doctor know right away if you are feeling dizzy from taking a new medication. You may have to stop for a while or try a lower dose.

What to Do About Feeling Dizzy When Bending Over

While dizziness can be the result of a medical condition, there are many times when it is just an inconvenience rather than anything serious. There are some home remedies that can resolve many an issue with feeling dizzy.

  • If you feel dizzy when you get up quickly, try drinking a couple of glasses of water to see if this alleviates the dizziness.
  • Another well known cure for feeling dizzy is ginger. It has been proven to eliminate the unsteady feeling that can make you feel off balance.
  • If you do not have access to any home remedies you can always incorporate slow deep breathing. This will help calm nerves and helps to quickly stabilize your vitals.

When to Worry

There are times when you feel dizzy that could be signaling something more severe. Make sure you call 911 if your dizziness is accompanied by:

  • Continual vomiting
  • A severe or sudden headache
  • Fainting
  • Shortness of breath
  • High fever
  • Any changes in vision, hearing, or speech
  • Trouble walking
  • A head injury
  • Seizures
  • Stiffness in your neck
  • Weakness or numbness of any kind
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