All Digestive System Topics

Liver Disease Jan 09, 2020

Liver disease can be caused by a variety of viruses and abnormalities. The diseases usually affect liver function and can leave permanent damage. Prevention and care remain the best treatment options for such diseases. View Full Article...

Small Intestine Villi Dec 26, 2019

Small intestine villi are small finger type projections that help with nutrients digestion. Any damage to it, such as in the case of celiac disease, will cause unwanted effects. View Full Article...

Foods to Avoid with Pancreatitis Dec 19, 2019

A better understanding of foods to avoid with pancreatitis helps you recover quickly. Avoid alcoholic beverages, fatty foods, etc. to keep your condition from worsening. View Full Article...

Symptoms of Stomach Ulcer Dec 11, 2019

Symptoms of stomach ulcer include abdominal pain, frequent burping, feeling full, nausea and more. If left untreated, stomach ulcers can lead to internal bleeding, which needs immediate medical attention. View Full Article...

Nausea After Eating Nov 29, 2019

Certain home remedies and lifestyle modifications can help reduce the severity and frequency of nausea after eating. However, when experiencing other serious symptoms, it's necessary to consult a doctor. View Full Article...

Peptic Ulcer Nov 21, 2019

Peptic ulcer disease may be caused by infection, medications, stress, genetic factors, and unhealthy habits. It is easily treatable using medications, but you must seek immediate care if stomach bleeding develops. View Full Article...

How to Stop Farting Nov 04, 2019

People facing problem due to flatulence can use dietary supplement like alpha-galactosidase , probiotics and other herbal methods like ginger tea with modification in diet plan to stop farting. View Full Article...

What Causes Appendicitis? Nov 01, 2019

This article provides you more information about appendicitis, such as what causes appendicitis and some specific treatments. You can’t diagnose it yourself, but you will know when to seek medical help and what to expect when you get there. View Full Article...

Hepatitis B Oct 13, 2019

Hepatitis B is a serious condition and can be fatal if left untreated. If there is any exposure or signs and symptoms, one should contact the doctor immediately. View Full Article...

Stomach Cramps and Diarrhea Oct 10, 2019

Stomach cramps and diarrhea are nearly unavoidable for many people. Knowing the common causes and simple home remedies is an excellent way to manage your health. View Full Article...

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