
Flavonoids are derived naturally from plants (major sources include fruits and vegetables). Flavonoids are a group of metabolites that are capable of improving and revitalizing the human systems. For example, based on the clinical research and experimental data, healthy doses of flavonoids are required for the maintenance of signal transduction pathways within the body systems. Additionally, these are also very effective as potent antioxidants that help in scavenging free radicals produced as part of the biological processes.

Daflon is regarded as one of the purely isolated micronized varieties of flavonoid ‘diosmin’ with another flavonoid ‘hesperidin’ in a ratio of 9:1. It is marketed and sold under the brand name of Daflon.

Daflon Usage

Daflon has a meticulous mode of action. It improves the vascular functions by improving all the aspects of venous circulation, ranging from lymphatic, microvascular as well as capillary functions.

Daflon 500 mg can be used for following indications.

1. Chronic Venous Disease

Daflon 500mg is prescribed to patients with a history of CVD (chronic venous disease). It is known to provide relief in the symptomatic relief of CVD events such as pain, burning sensation in legs, swelling, feeling of heavy legs, etc.

2. Venous Leg Ulcers

Daflon 500 mg in a dose of up to 2 tablets per day is deemed fairly effective in the treatment of venous leg ulcers, as it improves the healing process in the legs. In addition, it is also equivalent to or superior in terms of quality of results when compared to conventional therapy used for the management of venous leg ulcers i.e. local care and compression.

Daflon is also effectively used in reducing the overall healing time of venous leg ulcers by up to 5 weeks. Venous leg ulcers are formed as a result of chronic stasis of blood that poses pressure to the vessel walls leading to inflammation and ulceration. Flavonoids presented in the Daflon can address the inflammatory response, thereby improving the overall process of healing.

Daflon 500 mg along with adjunctive therapy can be safely advised to patients with a history of long standing, poorly healing leg or venous stasis ulcers.

3. Postsurgical and Post Radiotherapy Lymphedema

Daflon 500 mg is very frequently prescribed to patients who are recovering from the effects of breast cancer surgery. Once consumed, this drug helps in decreasing the circumference and volume of the edema as well as the swelling along the affected side of the body.

2 tablets of Daflon 500 mg per day are prescribed to improve the lymphatic fluid drainage across inflamed tissues after massive tissue resection (as seen in the breast cancer surgeries or radiotherapy). This helps in regaining the tissue elasticity and also alleviates the symptoms of pain and discomfort.

A double blind placebo study was conducted to check the effectiveness of Daflon 500 mg in the restoration of normal circulatory functions across the inflamed tissues. Results suggested that the velocity of lymphatic drainage can be increased several folds with Daflon 500 mg, which can be possibly attributed to the antioxidant properties of constituent flavonoids.

Daflon Dosage

Recommended dosage of Daflon 500 mg for patients of CVD (chronic venous disease) is 2 tablets per day.

In patients with a known history of hemorrhoidal attacks, a dose of up to 6 tablets per day for 4 days should be consumed, and then followed by 4 tablets per day for an additional 3 days. Clinical study indicates that most patients report significant improvement in the severity of disturbing symptoms within a couple of days after initiating the therapy.

In patients with chronic hemorrhoids, the recommended dose is 2 tablets per day.

Daflon Side Effects

Daflon 500 mg is generally categorized as a safe and effective medicine for use. Side effects are rare, especially when compared to other medications or drugs that are consumed for similar indications.

Some of the common but mild side effects of Daflon 500 mg include:

  • Upper gastrointestinal symptoms that may range from stomach upset to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

Consultation with a healthcare provider becomes necessary if any of the following side effects appear while taking this therapeutic agent:

  • Allergic responses such as itching, hives formation, rashes, chest tightness, restlessness, breathing difficulties, swelled lips, face, etc.
  • Tingling sensation over the skin
  • Numbness of extremities
  • Swelling on the body
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