Adzuki Beans

Adzuki beans are widely grown in Himalayas and different parts of East Asia. These beans are native to China and are commonly referred to as Vignaangularis. They are generally small and are reddish brown in color. They also have white ridges on one of their edges. Adzuki beans are revered for having high protein content and relatively low fat content. What are the health benefits? What are the recipe options?


Nutritional Facts of Adzuki Beans


Value per serving (230g)


294 g







Dietary fiber



119.6 mg


4.6 mg


4.0 mg


1223 mg


278 mcg

Here are a number of nutritional facts attributed to adzuki beans:

1. No fats

Even though adzuki beans (especially when they are dry) are rich in calories, they are free of fat content. One cup of dry adzuki beans is estimated to contain only a gram of fat. These beans contain saturated fat of not more than 4 grams.

2. High in fiber

Besides being rich in calories and proteins, these beans are also a great source of fiber. The main benefit of dietary fiber is promoting satiety as well as regulating the levels of both sugar and cholesterol respectively.

3. High in protein

Dry adzuki beans are an ideal menu option for high-protein diets. Protein is quite essential in the human body since it aids in building and repairing worn out body tissues, hormones and cells.

4. Minerals and vitamins

Dry adzuki beans have a certain amount of various minerals. Some of the minerals contained in these beans include calcium, phosphorous and magnesium. Dry adzuki beans are, however, not too rich in vitamins. Nevertheless, these beans contain vitamin A, vitamin B-9 and Folate.

Health Benefits of Adzuki Beans

1. Improve bowel movement

Since they have a high fiber content, adzuki beans greatly improve bowel movement. This helps in keeping the digestive system smooth, thus preventing constipation. The fiber contained in these beans also helps in preventing colon cancer.

2. Stabilize cholesterol level

Due to high concentration of soluble fiber in adzuki beans, these beans are ideal for stabilizing the cholesterol level. They also help in eliminating cholesterol and toxins from the body.

3. Prevent breast cancer

Adzuki beans have certain components that help kill cancerous tissues. Consuming a cup of these beans on a regular basis lowers the risk of getting breast cancer among women. These beans can also be consumed to lower the risk of getting different types of cancers.

4. Treat bladder infections and urinary dysfunction

The high amount of soluble fiber in adzuki beans helps in treating bladder infections and urinary dysfunction in both men and women. This soluble fiber has a soothing effect and is thus ideal for healing an infected bladder and urinary tract.

5. Lose weight

Since they are rich in soluble fibers, adzuki beans help keep your stomach full for relatively long hours. Therefore, these beans will keep you satiated for long hours. They are also rich in protein and can therefore help in keep sugar levels low. As a result, they help in keeping weight off.

Healthy Recipes of Adzuki Beans

Notes for preparation: Adzuki beans ought to be soaked for not less than 8 hours just like other types of dried beans. If you are in a hurry to cook adzuki beans, you can do a quick-soak by simply boiling them for 10 minutes. Remove them from the heat then cover and soak them for an hour.

After soaking them, using either method, you can drain the soak water and then add fresh water in readiness to cook them. You should use at least 4 cups of fresh water to cook one cup of dried adzuki beans. After the beans have cooked to boiling point, you can lower the heat and simmer for between 45 to 55 minutes. Please do note that adding salts and spices to these beans can actually slow down the cooking process. Therefore, you should wait until these beans are completely cooked to add salt or spices.

1. Adzuki beans salad



  • Organic bacon- 4 slices
  • Dried adzuki beans- 4 cups
  • Filtered water- one cup
  • Sea salt- one tablespoon
  • Black pepper- one table spoon
  • Chili powder- 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic powder- I teaspoon


  • First, wash the adzuki beans before soaking them in water overnight. Upon soaking them, drain and then rinse with fresh water.
  • Add water to a large cooking container containing the soaked adzuki beans and then place it on the cooking fire. Bring the beans to boil so that they can cook properly. Remember to add sea water to the beans for the flavor can seep through the beans.
  • Once the beans are fully cooked, remove the cooking container from the heat and use a salad bowl to drain the beans.
  • You can add fresh cut tomatoes, organic bacon, onions and any other ingredient used for making salads.
  • You can then sprinkle chili pepper and garlic powder to the beans in order to make them tastier. You can serve this salad with nacho chips or tortilla.

2. Adzuki beans soup



  • Adzuki beans – 3 cups
  • Water- 5 cups
  • Cumin-2 tablespoons
  • White pepper- 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil- I teaspoon
  • Chopped ginger- 2 tablespoons
  • Diced carrots-2


  • Start by soaking adzuki beans and then add about 3 cups of fresh water to a cooking container before placing it on cooking fire.
  • Let the beans cook until they boil. Add I tablespoon of salt and then simmer the beans for 20 minutes. You can add white pepper and cumin to the beans.
  • In a different container, sauté the ginger and carrots in olive oil until they are completely tender. Add them to the adzuki beans soup and allow it to thicken.
  • Serve the soup when it is still hot.
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